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Um...a question...=)

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Link the warrior

Really nice guy
;078; ;078; I have Ruby,and i have two wireless adapters!;328; ;328;
Can i trade from my ruby in my firered,if i use wireless adapter?ruby is old game!!!;107; i dont know...


Josh trainer
No, Ruby can't use wireless adapters. The only way to trade is via cable.

By the way, don't abuse the smilies.

Link the warrior

Really nice guy
Double post
Last edited:

Link the warrior

Really nice guy
Sorry guys!=)i only want .................check messege.


I like pie.
is a link cable really that hard for you to get? and i hope you know that you just posted the same thing like 3 times and the post itself was pointless.

read the rules people. and learn what spam means.


The Master...
geez how hard is it to get 10 $ seriously?
spamming is wrong

4th Generation Master

Well-Known Member
It's not. No Ruby Version is.

Wild Cherry

Magma Commander
You can't use a wireless adapter on Ruby, does it look like you can in the trade center on the second floor?

Why not just get a link cable and trade that way, is it any harder?


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Link the warrior, DO NOT DOUBLE POST. If it was an accident, you can use the EDIT button to DELETE your post rather than just changing what it says. Also please don't abuse the smilies. Re-read the rules, it'll help.

Considering this has been answered repeatedly...

-Answered, closed
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