• Hi all. We have had reports of member's signatures being edited to include malicious content. You can rest assured this wasn't done by staff and we can find no indication that the forums themselves have been compromised.

    However, remember to keep your passwords secure. If you use similar logins on multiple sites, people and even bots may be able to access your account.

    We always recommend using unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication if possible. Make sure you are secure.
  • Be sure to join the discussion on our discord at: Discord.gg/serebii
  • If you're still waiting for the e-mail, be sure to check your junk/spam e-mail folders

Um...How do I get a avatar?

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Cant catch me!
It`s VERY cofusing to me so can somebody help????


Cant catch me!
where is my user cp??

I just registered yesterday...and I know nothing


Cant catch me!
How do I do that?

Sorry if I sound annoying,To me I am sounding annoying


Eevee of the day.
Dont' worry about it. To delete a post look in the botton right coner of the post. Click on the "Edit" button, and you should get the option of deleting it. Or you could do that^^


true love
also how can I delete this thread?
To delete a thread you made yourself, you go to "Thread Tools" on top and it'd have an option called "Delete Thread" or whatever it says under administrative tools. You don't need to delete your own thread just because it's been answered. Just leave it alone and it'd die off hopefully, and if not, a moderator will close it.

Read the others' post and the forum rules, as well as those FAQs EVERYWHERE.

Answered and closed.
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