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um photoshop?


The new tuxedo look!
It's called MS paint, I bet that you have it too unless you're using a machintosh.


Strike! You're out!
Photoshop CS2.


Most people use MS Paint.

For many people who have Macs, including me, there are alternatives. People use Photoshop and I use Pixen.

Silver Wind

..blissfully unaware
could you guys post the urls and is it free
MS Paint is already installed into your computer, anything else, I suggest google.ca or google.com // Depending on where you live.. :p


I use Corel Paint Shop Pro-X 4000 Special Edition.


Well-Known Member
yep MS paint is a default program and is alreay on your computer under accesories. You could use complicated programs like photoshop or corel or whatever but they make no difference to the quality of your work. They are only good for special effects. Its good to start with MS paint because if you can't master a simple program like MS Paint, you have no chance with the ultimate in complication... PHOTOSHOP!!!

Long story short MS paint is under accesories.


Well-Known Member
This sig was made with GIMP. And it's free. I still use Paint, but the reason I got Gimp is because World of Warcraft saves screenshots in a format that Paint can't read (TGA I think...at least Warcraft 3 does for sure). So I use it to convert the pictures over (otherwise, I use it to make avatars, because it's easier to use then Paint for that).