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Umbreon help

So what I want to know is how to get Umbreon in ruby. I have an Eevee I'm trading over and I want to know how to evolve it into Umbreon.


Yeah but you have to max out its happiness first by giving it vitamins, pokeblocks, battling with it but not letting it faint etc.


Hate Me!
You also have to max out its happiness. When it levels up again between the forementioned times it'll evolve.

Edit: Haha, someone beat me to it.


Yeah, forgot 'bout the happiness thing. I think my Eevee (future Umbreon) wanted to evolve at lv. 6 or 7 it was so happy! :)


#1 Munchlax Fan
You have to max out happiness then level up between 12:00am-12:00pm.
Yeah, what everyone else said, max Eevee's happiness and evolve it at nightime only, but you have to check the clock since there's no actual night and day