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Umbreon runs


Well-Known Member
Why hello there, I salute to you again.

This here is one of my favourite pokemon, Umbreon (as the title suggests). But I like Quilava/Typhlosion more. :b


It's melting, eh? Anyways, the background is a little boring, but I didn't want to do a fully-integrated background.. I'm lazy, ho ho.

Also, his hind legs are there.. somewhere. In the back... No, they didn't get cut off though it does looks like it... yeah. :)


it looks evil but i like it good job

Omega Pirate

shove it up ya bum!
Wow, I love it. Umbreons head should seriously be changed to that shape, it looks way more evil and more dark.

Brilliant job ;D


< That's me! Hello!
Why hello there, I salute to you again.

This here is one of my favourite pokemon, Umbreon (as the title suggests). But I like Quilava/Typhlosion more. :b


It's melting, eh? Anyways, the background is a little boring, but I didn't want to do a fully-integrated background.. I'm lazy, ho ho.

Also, his hind legs are there.. somewhere. In the back... No, they didn't get cut off though it does looks like it... yeah. :)

Um, ok I don't know what the heck to say about this... It looks cute, cool, and evil all at the same time to me. I like it I guess...


That is friggin cool. How do you airbrush like that? you have to tell me some of your secrets if you are willing to tell:p

Chaotic Pink

Let the zephyr blow.
I love it.

The angel that the Umbreon is as makes up for a slightly boring background. I like how the rings/markings seem to radiate light, and the limbs and everything seem very well drawn. I like the brush strokes going away from the pokemon too.

Its perfect in every way, teach me!

Flame Haze SnS

This one looks cool. I like its wolf-like appearance. ^_^ The effects of Umbreon's lights (bright yellow circle) doesn't look like it's to illuminate. :/

Anyway, kudos to ya for your talent drawing and coloring! ^_^