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Uncut BoBoBo! Next Year!

Korobooshi Kojiro

ANN said:
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo Release Details (2006-11-15 09:51:31)
Illumitoon's Charlotte Black has confirmed to ANN that their release of Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo will include an uncut version of the Phuuz Entertainment dub that is airing on Cartoon Network, as well as the original Japanese language track.

And, the first DVD comes out Feburary 13th...my birthday!

I hope the subs are good, and go to explain some of the jokes...

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
OMG "Baka Survivor"!!!!!!111111oneoneone

Anyway, that's good news. At least, for the people who will buy it. I probably won't, but that is good news. (And sure we won't get to have "Baka Survivor" at first, but they'll release the DVDs with it eventually, right? Yeah.)