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Under the headlight


Always watching...
I'm getting exam blues right when I don't want them, So I wrote up a little something to help ease the stress.

Oh well, being stuck studying during my B-day is something that's happened for the past 13 years anyway. >_>

Tick, tock, tick, tock
Death is flying through the air
Searching for me under every rock
Yet I can't run, but only stare.

Tock, tick, tock, tick
Studying so much is making me sick
Listening to that water tap leak
I can't help but feel all is bleak...

Flip, flap, flip, flap
The pages are my only map
To help me flee from Death's scary lap
No time to rest or take a nap...

Yet suddenly I've come to a stop
Just when I really should hop
I'm just sitting there from morning 'till night
Like a deer, stuck under a blinding headlight...

Thump, thump, thump, thump
All is quiet, silence rules
Others have gone past that final bump
So why am I standing there like those other fools?

My heart beats fast, it won't slow down
In anticipation of Death's final round
Which lasts from 8 to 5 Friday
Give me strength, Lord I pray...

Days and nights have merged as one
Now the difference is next to none
Even though this is my special day
I can't have fun yet, just no way...

Should I fail (hopefully not!)
All my efforts would be in vain
I won't let that heppen, but what I've got
Is a case of a bull being led to be slain...

Someone, please, give me a shock
Wake me up from my untimely daze
Before Death comes, and secures the lock
That ultimately was created from my laze...

I write this now, all huddled in a corner
Preparing for that final rush
For after the darkness, just a little further,
Are the plains of happiness, green and lush...

What can I say, I left it too late
Now half of the cards belong to Fate
All I can say is "Oh, just great!"
And study like mad to be first-rate.

'Till then, Death awaits me patiently
Cheating him this time? Nope, sorry
Goodbye my friends, I'll see you soon
It's been like Hell during a summer noon.
But no need to fret, I will not fall
Not this time bub, not at all!


Offtopic: Oh, your birthday is tomorrow? Happy birthday! (Gives you a Mewtwo and Mew plushie)

Yeah, studying during your birthday sucks. I had to study for my Antho midterm during my birthday (which I did great on! ^^;; ).

On topic: I actually liked this poem. I like how this really can relate to me. For instance, there are a lot of stuff I would rather do then studying (like writing fanfiction =D ). Also, I like how you put studying as Death. Oh so true.

Hehe, good job on that poem. Sorry this is not a great review since I am not really a great expert on poems. Dang, now I should be studying for my Pre-Cal midterm. >.>

;134;~Good night, and good luck~