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Under Used,Over Used,Under Rated,Over Rated.

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king krab kingler

I think there was already a thread about this,but It seemed to die,so I made a new one.
Come here to discuss pokemon which are either over/under used,or over/under rated.

If this thread has broken any rules please close if necessary.


Bring it.
Kangaskhan must be the most under used pokemon out there. Only giovanni has it. Overused prize is taken by eiother, Zigzaggon, Zaubat and denfenitly(sp?) Tentacool. All 3 piss me off.


Jade Star Trainer
i would have to say that tangela is way underused, no one that i know use it, and it is still a good pokemon.
also in the begining of the game i believe that rattata and raticate are well overused.


DKzM0mA said:
Kangaskhan must be the most under used pokemon out there. Only giovanni has it. Overused prize is taken by eiother, Zigzaggon, Zaubat and denfenitly(sp?) Tentacool. All 3 piss me off.

this is about tiers, not how much apokemon pisses you off.

General Blaze

Not the face!
Venomoth is one of the most UU Pokemon I've ever seen. DOES ANY CARE ABOUT THE MOTHS?!


Well-Known Member
Aipom is way UU. I wasn't even aware the poor thing existed until I headbutted trees because someone told me that's how he got Celebi.

And Tangela is UU because of it's terrible placement. By the 7th badge, the team's formed.


I actually think Murkrow is a bit under used... >.> People just keep crying out for an evolution for it... It's pretty good.. USE IT!!! >.< *out to fight for the rights of the Murkrow*
Ah, and Farfetch'd is very under used, almost to the point of extinction.. o_O Poor thing. Of course, I can't say too much in their defense 'cause I don't use them. Ever.
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I actually think Murkrow is a bit under used... >.> People just keep crying out for an evolution for it... It's pretty good.. USE IT!!! >.< *out to fight for the rights of the Murkrow*
Ah, and Farfetch'd is very under used, almost to the point of extinction.. o_O Poor thing. Of course, I can't say too much in their defense 'cause I don't use them. Ever.
I'm actually using a Farfetch'd in my Fire Red. Actually, the Farfetch'd.
Primeape should be OU, it's that good in-game.
Pidgeot, defying all logic, is OU, as is Raichu.
Pidgeot is NU because Swellow, Fearow, and Dodrio can do absolutely everything it can do but at least 10x better. Same for Relicanth, who actually has some excellent Stats(outclassed bY Swampert, Quagsire, Corsola, and the like).

Kangaskhan is an excellent UU, in my opinion. Great HP, Speed, and Attack, and yet no one uses it :(.

Tangela isn't sued primarily because of its horrible Base 40 Sp. Defense. You really can't get much lower than that....But on the upside, it has an amazing Base 115 Defense, good Sp. Attack, and credible HP. Two Special weaknesses killed the poor thing, though. Shame, I adore Tangela.

Primeape should be BL, actually, I'd say. 95 Speed isn't bad at all(fastest Fighting Pokémon, IIRC), and 105 Base Attack is awesome. I suppose low Defenses and HP make it UU, though...

Venomoth doesn't really do anything, that's its problem. It has decent Stats, but nothing to work with. And really, two Physical STABs, and yet they made it Special-based :(.

Farfetch'd needs an evolution, IMO. Base 55 Attack is just lol on a stick. Not worth using at all.

Murkrow would be good if it wasn't for its lousy Defenses. Kind of like Tangela, except they're BOTH bad. On the other hand, though, it has good Speed and Offense to land a blow before it's inevitably KOed.

Now for my opinion: Tropius. Tropius isn't really all that bad. It has fairly well-rounded Stats. The thing that killed it, though, was 99 Base HP. Nintendo really hates Tropius D*=. Base 99.....That's a taunt, it really is. Just one more and it'd be able to make 404 Subs.....But, it does get STAB for whatever Offense you choose, Whirlwind, which is always cool, Chlorophyll, same as above, and Swords Dance. Tropisu definitely has potential, but Ninty just had give it Base 99 HP and destroy its usefulness.

The 8th Champion


Infinite Master Sceptile said:
I'm actually using a Farfetch'd in my Fire Red. Actually, the Farfetch'd.
Primeape should be OU, it's that good in-game.
Pidgeot, defying all logic, is OU, as is Raichu.
o_O Amazing...*records this as the first encounter of a person who uses/used a Farfetch'd..* And I agree with you on the bird, monkey, and rat. It's sad. =\
It just crossed my mind..does anyboy ever use a qwilfish? I don't, nor have I met somebody who does. Seems quite under used to me, but I don't know. It's like with murkrow and farfetch'd, people just scream about it needing an evolution. =\ That's the only time I ever hear of it.
And Crobat is starting to look a bit over used as well. Alakazam, I dunno... I think it its, but that's just me. =\
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I use Qwilfish. With Surf it can be a HM Slave, but when its moveset includes Revenge, Destiny Bond and something else and its Sp.Ability is Poison Point, it can be handy. I love it.

Double Decker

To be fair, most of the Pokemon that are over used, early in game or late in game because they are either easy to catch (like Rattata), or have high stats and are legendary (like Ho-oh and Mewtwo).

The ones relativly under used are Kangaskhan and Medicham (in my opinion)

The most over used are Mewtwo, Mew, Dragonite, Salamence and Zapdos, only because they are lagendaries or near legendaries...

king krab kingler

IMO,A very UU pokemon is a tentacruel,why....because tentacool get so annoying to most people,I like battling them though :D

OverUsed:- mewtwo,swellow & rayquaza.


Finnmonster said:
I use Qwilfish. With Surf it can be a HM Slave, but when its moveset includes Revenge, Destiny Bond and something else and its Sp.Ability is Poison Point, it can be handy. I love it.
Yeah, but it’s still under used in my eyes. Not unused, mind you, just under used.

Double Decker said:
The ones relativly under used are Kangaskhan and Medicham (in my opinion)

The most over used are Mewtwo, Mew, Dragonite, Salamence and Zapdos, only because they are lagendaries or near legendaries...

Yes. Yes! YES!!! Dear God, yes! They’re almost to the point of being worshiped. And I think Dragonite IS worshiped... =\

king krab kingler said:
IMO,A very UU pokemon is a tentacruel,why....because tentacool get so annoying to most people,I like battling them though :D

OverUsed:- mewtwo,swellow & rayquaza.
I happen to love using Tentacruel. They can be so fun to use! ^^
Heyyy.. I use Rayquaza.. 3 of them… ;_; Are you trying to say that they’re being over used? That even I am over using them? ;x Actually, I don’t use them in the way you are thinking. I use them as exp. Givers. That’s to say that I use them to level up a lower leveled poke with exp. Share and going to the elite 4 over and over again… And also as a money gainer. Rayquaza always has the amulet coin with it. ^^


Ski > You
Nah, no need to worship Dragonite. Even though in my opinion it is the best non-legendary Dragon type around.
(Salamence has an icky movepool.)

All the Pokemon you said are OU, are in fact turning UU, simply because more and more people are turning to the 'creative' side and completely ignoring the purpose of all powerful Pokemon.

Shuckle is still underused though. Love its stall + Toxic abilities, not to mention the fact that it can do a somewhat DECENT Harden/Rollout.


skiboydoggy said:
Nah, no need to worship Dragonite. Even though in my opinion it is the best non-legendary Dragon type around.
(Salamence has an icky movepool.)

All the Pokemon you said are OU, are in fact turning UU, simply because more and more people are turning to the 'creative' side and completely ignoring the purpose of all powerful Pokemon.

Shuckle is still underused though. Love its stall + Toxic abilities, not to mention the fact that it can do a somewhat DECENT Harden/Rollout.

You know, I'm actually starting to see an increase in the use of Shuckle. People are starting to see it can be useful, but yeah, it's still under used.
As for Dragonite, yes, no need to worship, but what about letting up on the use of it, eh? Between the two, I'd rather go with Shuckle, but that's just me.


Ski > You
I actually see what my team needs.
I <3 pairing Shuckle up with Snorlax, do not even bother asking why.

Hibernation God

I think Tauros is being under used. After devouring a few TM's its brilliant


NW Tourney Winner
Flareon is the least underated of all Eeveelutions.

king krab kingler

What do you all think of girafarig?
Just a question,tell me what you think,I think it is a waste of space that really badly,needs an evolution.
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