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Underused pokemon in fanfic


Jello Pokéballs
I made a topic about this years ago here but I thought it would be fun to bring up the subject again:
Which pokemon do you think are underused in fanfic and which of them would you like to see more of?
Are there any pokemon of a certain type that is used often in fic that you think would be just a good to read about if they used a lesser seen type? (Aka in place of pikachu something like a Voltorb? Or a Slugma in place of a Vulpix? Etc...)
The ever-so cute Jigglypuff. =D. I'm planning to shove her into my fic somehow. Along with Clefable. All the Pink Pokemon tend to be underused. ESPECIALLY JIGGLYPUFF AND CLEFAIRY! XD.

I'm surprised Ditto is rarely used in fics. I've seen only a rare number of fics with a Ditto in them.


Jello Pokéballs
The ever-so cute Jigglypuff. =D. I'm planning to shove her into my fic somehow. Along with Clefable. All the Pink Pokemon tend to be underused. ESPECIALLY JIGGLYPUFF AND CLEFAIRY! XD.

I'm surprised Ditto is rarely used in fics. I've seen only a rare number of fics with a Ditto in them.
I agree, anything cute and pink colored seems to be looked down upon or used only as a pet :p.

Pink Parka Girl

I wish I could change my username
Pink things do deserve more love. :)

My favorite underused pokemon are Plusle and Minun (cute and electric and rodent-y does NOT always equeal popular and oft used), the butterfly like pokemon (and basically, bugs in general, but I like the ones with big pretty wings XD Personal taste ^_^' ) and mammals that are not felid/canid. Pokémon that don't evolve also don't get a lot of coverage - let's see more fic with the mentioned Plusle/Minun, or Dunsparce, or Corsola or Lapras or anything else that doesn't have a evo or pre-evo.

Basically, anything besides Eevee or Vulpix. XD
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Butterfree and surpisingly Pidgeot who people seem to hate using for some reason. As part of my orignal Red team I like to put little references to them about, sorda like a mini tribute thing :3

Non-angst two, rare as hell. Not sure if my msue helps counter this but he certainly does try.

Some starters as well seem to get very ignored this day and age. You see Charizards still running around but the other final evo when the novetly of a brand new Pokemon has worn off seem to just disappear. Can;t remember the last time I saw a 'Gatr or 'Toise.

Just a few I've noticed at least.



Well-Known Member
I love to use underused Pokemon. Hyrum, my main character, has a Dunsparse and a Chansey on his team, along with a Magneton and a Poliwrath. Powerful but less oft used Pokemon are my favorite.


There's alot of pokémon that haven't been used yet, heck, that was one of the reasons why I wrote Sabrina's Story in the first place

Interestingly enough, I'm was planning on adding a few of the pokémon mentioned in this thread already.

I haven't seen Mawile or Rapidash in a fic yet.


<- Starter of choice
Everyone always ignores Natu. I'm not sure why, since its concept is fairly cool, but I have never seen it in a fic. I'd expect that from the boring ones, like Spearow and such, but Natu seems awesome enough to be used regularly. Guess it just got caught in the swamp of wonderful G/S/C Pokemon...


Well-Known Member
Doesn't I Hate Pokemon feature a Natu protecting the main character? Or am I a 'tard?

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
And I saw an awsome fic where a person had a Spearow for a starter, and I don't mean that parody made by who, Ice King? An OT fic. Machop was also used, and honestly, it seems to be an underused pokemon too.

Godslayer: the fic that featured a trainer with the Spearow had a Natu too.

Skarmory also seems underused, as are alot of pokemon. And Psychic Umbreon's fic is an example of *****ing pokemon to be overused, the starters, the main fire types, the main psychics...

That's what I feel is so bad with underused pokemon. Instead of giving them a pokemon or two or ten that the character in the story would want- they go with what they like and since what they like are all the popular pokes...

But I'm guilty of it too.

And you know, there is one pokemon that truely, never gets love.

Girafarig. The only story I've seen it is, in one of my own stories.


<- Starter of choice
RJ: Legacy of a Master, dude. Probably one of five finished trainer fics out there, and the main characters owns a Girafarig.


I don't mean that parody made by who, Ice King? An OT fic

Yep, that was me. Closet reader >=O

There are loads of pokemon that aren't quite used enough. The typical journey fics tend to have the same pokemon for each generation, usually along the Ash lines with one fire, one water, one grass, a flying, and two others. I like using underused pokemon that I like because I feel more original and grow more appreciative of those pokemon, knowing I'm one of the few using them. My main charachter actually has a Sunkern as a starter (at least, had, since that fic is virtually dead now).

I'm interested in seeing that fic with a Girafirig, I love those tykes.
You know what the most underused Pokemon evar is?


Because I'm the only one who uses him :D

But in all seriousness, I don;t tend to see much of quality use of older legendaries, sides from the paper thin. A good quality Articuno is damn hard to come by. I've never seen Arcanine much either or true, anything pink. Unown aren;t much as they're too wierd, hm :)

Trouble is when you set out to delibrately use an underused you unintentionally turn it into an 00ber. Then people jump down your throat and all hell breaks loose...



Looking at this thread...I think part of it is just that there are so many pokemon. Authors are more likely to write about ones that are familiar to them, and then readers are more likely to be familiar with the ones they read about. So you wind up with a pool of used pokemon that's smaller than the total, which means some are forgotten.

Even if an author's avoiding that, there are only just so many pokemon that can show up. If you only count pokemon for a main character, than even if every author used a completely different set, it would still take a bunch of stories to showcase all pokemon.

I've got a mixed team of commonly used and less commonly used pokemon for my fanfic. I tried to avoid anything really, really overused, but not arrange the team just based on that one thing. Underused pokemon are a good idea, but the rest of the story and team arrangement shouldn't be sacrificed for that.

I'd expect that from the boring ones, like Spearow and such, but Natu seems awesome enough to be used regularly.

And maybe part of it is that people have their own favorite pokemon, and so they want to see a particular pokemon featured more often than average, and when it isn't they feel it's underused. (I think Spearow are more interesting than Natu, so to me, it's the same thing but with Natu in the place of the boring one.)


Just a 90's Blue.
Skarmories, Arcanines; almost every "cool" Pokemon is in some Pokemon story, you just have to look around.

Underused... Yeah, I would definitely agree with a few here. A Chargon is surely underrated, I suppose. (What the hell is a Chargon?) Sunkern, Slugma and other Pokemon that aren't as..."attractive" as others are commonly underused, yes.

A trainer's Pokemon really says something about the fan fiction. If you have a story where a kid has a level 100 Charizard and many legendaries, it's probably not going to be as good as a story where the trainer has an underused Pokemon. Why? Originality -- it shows which writer is better...most of the time. You get my point.

I took a look through the Pokedex many times before I chose my character's Pokemon. I chose probably the tiniest Pokemon next to Clamperl, as far as I know: Riishan. I'd think that this is an "underused" Pokemon, but I can't say for sure. Anybody have a Riishan?

Anyway, like many others here, I'm looking forward to using some underused Pokemon to kick things up a bit. At least, that's what I'm hoping for. There are some awesome Pokemon that need to be taken advantage of, such as one of my favorites, Mawile. (...Is that an underused?)
Most D/P gen poks won;t pop up till it's translated, then I will have absolute hell keeping on top of them. The are ones I state are onesthat are maybe not underused but udnerused in not being paper thin cop outs or pitiful 00bers, I'm talking proper character here :3

Chargon = My most well known character design, I had to include him of course :)

Mawile certianly is one of the most drawn....


Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
Riishan. I'd think that this is an "underused" Pokemon, but I can't say for sure. Anybody have a Riishan?

It'd be underused because it's a baby/rare, like Lapras, Lapras is rare in games, manga and anime. Don't confuse rare with underused, there's a difference.


Jello Pokéballs
Trouble is when you set out to delibrately use an underused you unintentionally turn it into an 00ber. Then people jump down your throat and all hell breaks loose...


I've never had that trouble but then I don't get much pleasure out of seeing a pokemon always win even if it is an overused god-like one, so I just don't do OOber at all (in battles that is).
As far as Girafarig goes, I know my fic is about pokemorphs and not pure pokemon but there will be a Girafarig side character as well as a Mawile and Rapidash, and a whole 'herd\flock?' of Jumpluff. Of course what is underused in morph fic is a whole other can o' worms but for the most part the same overused/underused laws apply, most of all if a pokemon mixed with a human was cute and furry to start with :).
Good writing can make even the most overused pokemon fresh *cough Charizardcharacterinficbanner cough* but it does not hurt to put in many underused pokemon in your story, not just for their own sake but where they would fit just as well as yet another Eevee :p
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Pokemon Trainer
You know what the most underused Pokemon evar is?


Because I'm the only one who uses him :D
Muahahaha, I actually used a Chargon once! :p Very minor role though and probably not half as creative as the one you used.

I think that Shuckle and Delibird are severely underused. I don't think I've ever seen either of them in a fic. (Granted I haven't read all of the fics out there so there are probably a few that do use them.) I think Eevee and its evolutions are the most overused Pokemon. I am guilty of using at least one of them is many of my RPs but I try to avoid them in fics (at least with main characters) because they are so common. In my most recent fic I actually had the main character turn down Eevee as a starter and take Buoysel instead.