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unfairness for Torchic/Combusken/Blaziken


The Plot Thickens
Well, at least they got lots of advantages in dp, grass, rock, ice, steel, and bug e4


from heaven to glory
ya but their is an advantage blaziken rox at the pokemon league!!
it always happens to the fire starters
!st gym- disadvantage both(under lv 16)
2nd gym- disadvantage both
3rd gym- attackive advantage defensive disadvantage
4th gym- advantage both
5th gym- a little defensive disadvantage
6th gym- a little attackive advantage
7th gym- attackive disadvantage/ defensive advantage
8th gym- disadvantage both

Edit:now onto johto and away by rank



1st gym- Neutral both
2nd gym- Advantage offensively/defensively
3rd gym- Mostly neutral both
4th gym- Neutral both
5th gym(Chuck) neutral both
6th gym(Jasmine) advantage offensively/defensively
7th gym(Pryce) Offensive advantage mostly/Piloswines ground attacks and IIRC dewgong hurts too(I'm not sure he has dewgong on his team)
8th gym- You hit dragons for not very effective and they hit you neutrally.


Will- Neutral both
Bruno- Meh, a little of each(Onix beats you, I think he has steelix so you can hurt that, the Machamp/hitmons are neutral)
Koga- Neutral both
Karen- neutral both
Lance- Good luck. Aerodactyl, Gyarados, Zard and Nite hurt Typhlosion.

1st gym- weak both(mud slap)
2nd gym- Advantage offensively/defensively
3rd gym- weak
4th gym- Neutral both
5th gym(Chuck) weak
6th gym(Jasmine) advantage offensively/defensively
7th gym(Pryce) weak/strong
8th gym- weak


Will- Neutral both
Bruno- Meh, a little of each(Onix beats you, I think he has steelix so you can hurt that, the Machamp/hitmons are neutral)
Koga- Neutral both
Karen- neutral both
Lance- Good luck. Aerodactyl, Gyarados, Zard and Nite hurt Typhlosion.



What does Whitneys/Chucks pokemon have that beats Quilava/Typhlosion?

I practically wrote weak/strong for Pryce. I said you have type advantage but some attacks can hurt you...


Poliwrath is a problem.

Rollout isn't too much of a problem because it's very weak at first, and by the time it starts gaining strength, you should have K.Oed it with STAB Fire attacks.


OG Trainer
1st gym = rock vs. Fire (if unevoled) = bad
6 th gym = Flyying Vs. Fighting(if evolved) = bad
7th gym = psychic vs. fighting (if evolved)= bad
7th gym = rock(because of 2nd type) vs. fire = bad
8th gym = water vs. fire = screwed over
anyone else find this unfair escpcially 3 dis advanteges in a row

My pokemon were way strong and ahead of most of the gyms so i had no problem.


[Insert Wacky Title]
Yea, Fire types have the disadvantage, and it's sort of the same in FR/LG. But it makes up for it because Blaziken could be a great Pokemon for the E4.

There are good water type alternatives to get the advantage over Gyms as the game goes on. For example, you can capture Lotad before Rustboro, and Ralts before Dewford.


vicious opportunist
What fun would it be if the game were so much easier? I kind of like that you're better off training more than just your starter. Having a level 80 Blaziken at the Elite 4 is dandy, sure, but I think it's more fun training a rounded team.

random guy

<the essence of cool
blaziken is so easy to use he destroys the whole elite four by himself at lvl 65 and the other gyms he does great and when i tried sceptile on norman he couldnt do squat but blaziken almost ohkoed them all


I am the game
why do you all think it so hard for a blaziken to beat the 7th gym its a cake walk

claydol - 1HKO sky uppercut
xatu - 1HKO blaze kick
solrock and lunatone{both rock type} - sky uppercut

the 8th gym is also a walkover if you keep it so that your blaziken has slash as one of its attacks

Uhh, solrock and lunatone are psychic types too and i doubt anybody will get up to lvl 60 to learn sky uppercut by then.


I'm ChunkyBob <RSPCT
So? I beat all the gyms using ONLY Combusken/Blaziken.

me too, and I disagree with the latter. Blaziken gets an amazing moveset

I beat the whole game (except tower/frontier) with only blaziken

Walking Contradiction

Feed Us a Fetus
Torchic/Combusken/Blaziken line is not unfair. The Fire starter line has always been weakest in the first gyms, and that's how it's supposed to be.
Blaziken684 said:
So? I beat all the gyms using ONLY Combusken/Blaziken.
The Pokemon games are easy enough without overtraining one Pokemon. That makes it ridiculously easy. Ever heard of someone wanting to build a well-balanced team for more of a challenge?
kirkeastment said:
^exactly if by the time you get to roxanne you haven't got combusken then you must be a crap trainer
Some people want to train a balanced squad at low levels, instead of sweeping through everything with high level Pokemon.


Good at Life.
Rock Gym - Double Kick
Fight Gym - Neutral
Electric Gym - Neutral, Double Kick vs. Magneton
Fire Gym - Neutral, Double Kick FTW
Normal - Double Kick to own everything, good luck vs. Slaking
Flying - ... Blaziken loses here, but you should be good anyway ...
Psychic - ...Blaziken loses here, but Water and Dark/Ghost guys win
Water - Sky Uppercut > Ice types

Dark - Sky Uppercut everything
Ghost - Blaze Kick should be stronger than anything she has, but you should have better guys for here by now
Ice - Blaze Kick OR Sky Uppercut
Dragon - run. Use someone else with an Ice type.
Water - Sky Uppercut > Ice types, but you really should run away