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Unlimited Fire deck


UofM Varsity Pokemon
I found the patch on apprentice so I created an all out offensive fire deck because I'm cool like that rate or hate =)

2 Kingler d
3 Krabby CG
3 Blaine's Growlithe L17
2 Blaine's Arcanine
1 Blaine's Moltres
1 Rocket's Moltres
2 Moltres ex
3 Koga's Pidgey L9

16 Fire Energy

2 Protective Orb
4 Computer Search
4 Blaine
2 Super Energy Retrieval
3 Energy Retrieval
3 Holon Lass
2 Bill
3 Town Volunteers
4 Item Finder

the delta kinglers are to help me with my wata weak. the town volunteers and item finders and blaines and retrievals are all trying to help me against energy removals and quickly attaching fire energy to blaine's pokes. though this deck will prolly have a hard time with repeated energy removal assults =(
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The Amazing chester
Hey man, I really love that style. That stuff really goes well, I reckon