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Unnecessary Evolutions


I don't understand how magikarp goes to gyrados


Pokemon Researcher
How Tynamo evolves into Elektrik.
A small and weak fish evolving into an eel.

Very cool but very strange at the same time.

I was surprised at the Johto Pokemon when I first looked at it. The final evolution looks nothing when compared to the previous forms like how Gloom evolves into Bellosom and Poliwhirl evolves into Politoed.
Hopip and Mareep evolutions surprised me throughout the whole game.

But it's just there to make it interesting and not make Pokemon evolution look obvious to an adults eye.


J.J. Swatt
Lol, Magikarp doesn't have that capability.

Did you just dis Magikarp? I can't believe my eyes, this is a Outrage. Horrible happening here just horrible. Someone should delete this post so no one else has to experience this. We don't want to hurt the little children, do we?


Sol Badguy
How does Snivy go into a Bigger version of its self to a Freakin Snake i mean it loses every thing Arms Legs etc. it just doesn't make sense.
I never even questioned it when I was younger, but a lot of evolutions are pretty frickin' weird.


Forever now
But evolution is supposed to be 'not make sense', cuz it's evolution.
Like ape to human
magikarp to gyarados
magikarp turn into gyarados because of a sudden unstable unexplainable genetic mutation


Clam-Gulper Eel wtf!


Pokemon master
Magikarp -> Gyarados


Brock Obama
Magikarp to Gyarados is based on a Chinese/Japanese myth where every year karps (a kind of fish) try to jump over a mystical waterfall that is VERY high and whoever makes it over is transformed into a Dragon by the Gods for their hard work and determination, and those who don't make it will either give up or keep trying until they die.
Magikarp to Gyarados is based on a Chinese/Japanese myth where every year karps (a kind of fish) try to jump over a mystical waterfall that is VERY high and whoever makes it over is transformed into a Dragon by the Gods for their hard work and determination, and those who don't make it will either give up or keep trying until they die.

magikarp turn into gyarados because of a sudden unstable unexplainable genetic mutation

you said the origin of the species not how it does it


Brock Obama
It is the work of GOD! Do you question the work of GOD????!!!!!This is Blasphemy! Infidels, heretics I say!!!!!To the Gallows with them!!!

lol jk, but yeah, not all Pokemon evolution are SUPPOSED to make sense, some are just creative twists of myths and legends etc.

Hikari Paradise

Forever Alone
I think what really doesn't make sense is karrablast>escavalier and shelmet>accelgor instead of the the other way around.