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unown sprites


Team In Flames
There's A-Z and ! and ? and they're all in the Unown Relic.


I won't give up!
You can get all Unown. Unown A - Z have a join rate of 1.8% ( without bonus ) and Unown ! and ? have a join rate of 0.1%. It's quite funny to complete your alphabet. Luckily enough the first one I befriended was Unown ! *tries to get Unown E , F and ? to complete his alphabet*


fredfredburger yes!
you can get all of them. including
! and ?

[Paper Snow]

MNU spreads lies
Anyone know what happens when you do complete the Unknown alphabet? My guide book hints that something will happen and/or you'll "get something special", but that's all it'll tell me.


Well-Known Member
It's the Official Walkthrough, and I think that they were just saying you give yourself a pat on the back for getting all the Unknown

[Paper Snow]

MNU spreads lies
It's the Official Walkthrough, and I think that they were just saying you give yourself a pat on the back for getting all the Unknown

Just what I've always wanted!!1one. :\

Thanks for that, though. Now I can put getting the Unknown on the bottom of my 'To Do' list.