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Well-Known Member
Has anyone here caught all 28 Unowns? If you have, how long did it take you?!

I've caught them all except:
Unown B
Unown K
Unown O
Unown !

I'm going to take a while catching those ones since there is only a 1-2% chance of finding them...


Eh, ragazzo!
I caught all of the Unowns! You have to be very patient. I can't quite remember how long it took me. Probably took me about a few hours.

DJ Comet

Is there no Unown addition to the Pokedex like in G/S/C? I have about 3 of them so far but I don't want to waste my time right now catching them all if there's no catalogging. :p


Psephophthalmus artu
i had a text only chart awhile back on where each unown was and its rarity someone posted for me

does anyone have another one we could have posted?


Well-Known Member
i had a text only chart awhile back on where each unown was and its rarity someone posted for me
does anyone have another one we could have posted?

Monean Chamber
Unown A ~ 99%
Unown ? ~ 1%

Liptoo Chamber
Unown C ~ 50%
Unown D ~ 30%
Unown H ~ 14%
Unown U ~ 5%
Unown O ~ 1%

Weepth Chamber
Unown N ~ 60%
Unown S ~ 30%
Unown I ~ 8%
Unown E ~ 2%

Dilford Chamber
Unown P ~ 40%
Unown L ~ 20%
Unown J ~ 20%
Unown R ~ 14%
Unown Q ~ 6%

Scufib Chamber
Unown Y ~ 40%
Unown T ~ 20%
Unown G ~ 25%
Unown F ~ 13%
Unown K ~ 2%

Rixy Chamber
Unown V ~ 50%
Unown W ~ 30%
Unown X ~ 10%
Unown M ~ 8%
Unown B ~ 2%

Viapois Chamber
Unown Z ~ 99%
Unown ! ~ 1%


well see there you have it. why do you need help if you know where they are?

DJ Comet

kidumbreon said:
well see there you have it. why do you need help if you know where they are?
He didn't need help. Notice he said:

Chimecho3000 said:
I'm going to take a while catching those ones since there is only a 1-2% chance of finding them...


Well-Known Member
Took me two and a half hours. Shoved 'em on Box.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone here caught all 28 Unowns? If you have, how long did it take you?!

That was why I started this topic. I didn't ask for help.

As for this:
Originally Posted by DJ Comet
Is there no Unown addition to the Pokedex like in G/S/C? I have about 3 of them so far but I don't want to waste my time right now catching them all if there's no catalogging. :p

Nope, there is no 'Unown Dex' like the one in G/S/C.


Matt the Drat
I haven't captured all 28 yet, but I do remember one day I was at my friends house and we played to see who could get Unown ? and ! first. :p I ended up getting both ? and ! in 2 hours. It takes a long time to find those 1-2 percent'ers. (Or you can get lucky...something I didn't get if it took me 2 hours to find them. :p)


I Remember doing that, it took me 1 afternoon, i was very determined and i had a sort of list that told me where they all are so when i did get them i would cross them out.

then in my box i Sorted them into alphabetical order, i felt the satifaction of compleation.


I Only Went For The ! And ? Took Two Trys For ! And Once For ? And To Answer Your Question I Haven't


Well-Known Member
fyi,the unown are unbreedable,or am i incorrect?

That's correct. Anyway, I've been searching for hours and I've only found 1 of the 3 rarest Unowns...:(

I have another question:
Do any of you guys give nicknames to your Unowns? I do, I name them with their letter such as Unown A, Unown Q, Unown ?, Unown C....you get the picture.
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Matt the Drat
I put !!!!!!!! and ???????? for the ! and ? ones just for the heck of it. :p I got bored and said...ok, time to screw around with these Unown since they took forever to catch. :p


Yeah, I caught all 28 Unowns and what an experience that was. I wish you could get something for it like in Gold/Silver/Crystal. Oh well, all I can say is that each chamber seemed to have at least one Unown that never showed up. It drove me crazy, but I remained persistent. I suppose it is worth it in the end, being able to devote one impressive looking PC Box strictly to Unowns.

king krab kingler

I have caught all 28 unowns,but I haven't actually found out what they do.In LG ,since I have completed the pokedex except,ho-oh,Lugia,mew,celebi and Jirachi.I have nothing to do so I have been trying to figure out what the unown's do.Can anyone tell me what happens,or is there no point in them except fot the fact it's quite cool and rare to have all 28??
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