I'll write what I can remember from the old thread.
- There are no "bad" generations or "bad" main series games
IDK, that seems like an unpopular opinion around here anyway given how many people feel that Gens 1 and 2 are a textbook example of
Seinfeld is Unfunny and Gens 6 and 7 are lazy, half-assed cash grabs (so 3, 4, and 5 are the only "good" generations then?).
- With that being said, generation wars are stupid and mostly fueled by nostalgia.
- As much as I love Pokemon, I think the series would be better off if it wasn't an "annual" series. Annual releases stifle innovation and ultimately lead to franchise fatigue, and honestly, I've always wondered why Pokemon kind of gets a free pass for annual releases while CoD is heavily criticized all the time for it (not that I'm a big CoD fan or anything, I'm just curious). I would gladly take a new set of games with more substantial content every 2-3 years or so over a new game that's good but not great every single year.
- Generation VII as a whole is underrated as hell, Sun and Moon are among the best games in the series, and the games do not deserve nearly as much hate as they get. Like, personally? I loved the plot, characters, region (despite the smaller size), lore, music, most of the new Pokemon, regional variants as a concept, and that they tried to do something different instead of just another badge quest, because let's face it: the badge quest formula was getting stale anyway. The only things that were really bothered me were the Festival Plaza and the lag, both of which I could ignore.
Ultimately, people feel different ways about different things, and I can understand Sun and Moon not being everyone's cup of tea, particularly for people who aren't as interested in story or lore and favor larger regions to explore, but for me? I really enjoyed them, because the Pokemon themselves and the lore are what I enjoy the most about the franchise.
- I'll also add that unless Sword and Shield are GOTY caliber like BotW, Sun and Moon will probably be everybody's favorite games in a few years (definitely at least once Diamond and Pearl get remade), because this always happens with Pokemon. People never really learn to appreciate Pokemon generations until they've been out of the spotlight for a few years.
Remember when people thought Black and White were the worst games in the series? Remember when that didn't last? I think the same will happen with Sun and Moon.
- I don't like Greninja that much and think Delphox had the best design of the XY starters. I feel Greninja's design is too flat and angular and have always found the tongue scarf thing gross. Frogadier and that fake Gallantoad design that came out around the time XY were leaking are both better designs than Greninja IMHO. They both look a lot sleeker and less angular and more like actual evolutions of Froakie since they both still have the "bubble" thing going on.
- Pokemon games have never been hard. I think a lot of people just didn't know what they were doing when they were kids I.E. only training their starter and nothing else (guilty...). I also would not be surprised if a lot of the people who claim the games have gotten easier are either using the completely optional Exp. Share, grinding until they're overleveled, or using all OP Pokemon on their team.
If Pokemon has gotten "easier," it's because grinding is less tedious now than it used to be, and grinding =/= difficulty.
- Don't think this is that unpopular, but despite it's flaws, I enjoy the Sun and Moon anime. But that is probably a personal taste thing as I'd rather watch the anime to see my favorite Pokemon animated and am not particularly interested in Ash's quest.
- GameFreak is not running out of ideas for Pokemon, and they most likely never will. There are literally billions of animals that exist or have existed on this planet that could all be used as inspirations for Pokemon, and we're not even at 1000 Pokemon yet. And that's before considering stuff like mythology and inanimate objects as inspirations.
And I'll throw on one more that I didn't have on the old thread.
- I don't think there's any immediate need for Pokemon to go open world. Not saying I don't
want it to happen, just that it doesn't
need to happen like, right now or anything. Open world games are fun and all, but not everything needs to go that route.