Great Ball Rank Trainer
Squawkabilly is one the best pokemon in all of Gen 9 due to its use as a crippling pivoter, PERIOD!!
So good, it's going to appear In tomorrow's episode in Japan!Squawkabilly is one the best pokemon in all of Gen 9 due to its use as a crippling pivoter, PERIOD!!
BDSP is the worst because it's painfully clear they shelled it out just to appeal to fans screaming about Gen 4 remakes.
In the end, we didn't get a Gen 4 remake. We got a Gen 4 remaster.
Ehh, the remakes have been on a downward spiral for multiple games. Really the only thing BDSP uniquely does worse is that they failed to adopt SwSh's artstyle and instead went for a chibi style very similar to the original games. Other than that, pretty much any complaint you could make about BDSP could also be made about the likes of ORAS and LGPE.
Honestly I agree with @Snewed119. The remakes peaked with HGSS, but even that game was still held back by some of the things it refused to update with the newer generation and there are some things that every remake has done wrong. Biggest issue I see is with the dexes/Pokemon selection. The older games have aged horribly because of how much more varied the National Dex has become since those original experiences, but the remakes insist on pretending that those Pokemon don't exist until post game at best (or worse yet, the Switch remakes pretend the newer Pokemon don't exist period) and so you're left with the same horrible variety of Pokemon that the original games had despite having more than enough Pokemon to fix the variety issues. They're basically tying one hand behind their back for the sake of nostalgia, and it really exposes just how poorly those games have aged.
It not only has a new regional layout
a great post-game
I actually hated HGSS, which was disappointing because Silver is my favorite game in the series. Yet, the vibe just wasn't there.
New layout? It was mainly a copy/paste job like every remake. There were a few revamps here and there (and even then, Granite Cave was revamped for the worse), but other than that it was the same old layout as the originals. Other than that, you just had a handful of tiny islands you could soar to that took all of 30 seconds to explore, whereas FRLG and HGSS added much meatier new areas (FRLG had an entire subregion in the Sevii Islands, HGSS added Rt. 47, 48, and the Safari Zone and brought back multiple areas from Kanto that were cut in the originals). ORAS... just doesn't measure up when it comes to layout and map designs.
Okay this I REALLY have to contest because this is my biggest issue with ORAS. ORAS' post game was kind of disappointing. ORAS' biggest issue by far is that it largely neglected Emerald content and most of its post game content were the bite-sized Mirage Spots. Pretty much none of Emerald's post game or side content made the cut. No Battle Frontier. No Safari Zone Expansion. No Desert Underpass. No Terra/Marine Cave (which to be fair would've been a stretch because this mainly existed solely because Emerald was a third version and this allowed access to the original mascots, but they possibly could've done something new with them). No Trainer Hill. No Mirage Tower. No Magma Hideout. And no, the Delta Episode did NOT include Emerald's plot elements, it was largely its own thing and had almost nothing in common with Emerald's plot other than Rayquaza being the focus. HGSS was a MUCH bigger bump from GSC and featured almost all of Crystal's content (the only thing really missing from Crystal is the Odd Egg), whereas ORAS was a relatively tepid bump in content over even the original RS and honestly feels like a tossup compared to Emerald. Not a favorable comparison for a remake that released a full 9 years later with much stronger hardware capable of much more.
What "vibe"? Explain.
I’ve never liked Marlon’s Gym position in BW2. He’s just way too easy even on Hard Mode for a final Gym Leader. If he was in the middle of the Gym run then he would not be so bad but he barely has any counters to Electric attacks which can easily wipe him out if it’s raining and you abuse Thunder.
Cheren I understand becoming another Normal type Gym Leader since Lenora decided to stop being a Gym Leader to focus more on her archeology research and Cheren has no real type specialty in BW and Normal is an easy type that all three starters can handle well and not suffer from crippling super effective hits. He can get a pass as he’s more of a replacement Gym Leader and it is perfectly fine to have two Gym Leaders that specialize in the same type if there is a good reason for it. Iris and Dryden work because Iris is an apprentice to Drayden in BW who eventually becomes strong enough to become Champion in BW2. RSE worked having Water be the final Gym because both Wallace and Juan were incredibly strong and had counter to both Grass and Electric types with Whiscash being immune to the latter type and Sealeo and Kingdra having Ice attacks for Grass Pokémon. Kingdra was also one of the most difficult Pokémon to KO with ease pre-Fairy types. Wallace made the Water type a threat with having a Sealeo of his own with the same attacks as Juan’s and then switching Kingdra for Milotic which could heal itself and also become even harder to take down if Marvel Scale activated. Marlon was just pathetic compared to Juan and Wallace. I actually took out Marlon’s entire team on Hard mode in less than four minutes with an underleveled Electivire and Ampharos. Having Mantine on the Hard mode team made things extremely easy for you as one Thunderbolt and Mantine goes down without even making a single move.I'm also not the biggest fan on the fact that they made him share typing with another Unova former gym leader and gave him an ace pokemon from an Unova Elite 4 member. If a new gym leader was needed for BW2 I'd have made it Unova's steel specialist. Unova's steel specialist is technically Colress but he's not very strict with it using Pokemon like Rotom and Beeheyem and could easily be considered no type speciality and Unova BW2 dex has some decent steel options that could easily function as a better final challenge.
I defeated Red in Crystal many times with a severely underleveled team. I think my highest level was 60 and it was just Pokémon that I caught in the game as I didn’t have a link cable and another GB to help me trade Pokémon or use the Time Capsule.People bringing up Red when criticizing GSC/HGSS's level curve is kind of silly considering he's a secret post-game fight (the Kanto stuff is all after the credits so it is basically post-game). Secret superbosses with ridiculously high stats is a very common JRPG trope and Pokemon GSC/HGSS aren't even the only Pokemon games to do this. Pokemon Emerald has Steven and Pokemon Black/White has Cynthia and the GameFreak employees who have teams full of level mid-70 Pokemon like Red does in GSC. You could even make a stretch to say FRLG and Platinum have their own secret post-game superbosses too through their champions' rematch teams after you clear the post-game storylines (their teams are in the mid 70's like GSC Red). As with the case in GSC/HGSS your Pokemon definitely aren't going to be level 70 by the time those fights open up if you're managing a full party of six and never grind.