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Unpopular Pokemon opinions V2 (READ FIRST POST)


Not a Very Well-Known Member
I defeated Red in Crystal many times with a severely underleveled team. I think my highest level was 60 and it was just Pokémon that I caught in the game as I didn’t have a link cable and another GB to help me trade Pokémon or use the Time Capsule.
I also beat Red multiple times underleveled too! In playthroughs of both Crystal and Heartgold where I completely banned KO'ing random encounters and rematching trainers!


I find he's significantly harder in HGSS than GSC. In my first No Grind playthrough of Crystal (where I only used five Pokemon and allowed KO'ing random encounters if I just happened to encounter them while progressing the story) I beat Red on my first try (the screenshot is from my strict No Grind playthrough where I used a full party of six and banned KO'ing random encounters at all, he took a few tries that time but was still much easier than his HGSS incarnation)


Well-Known Member
I have, and I have a lot to say. I want to preface by saying, I have no shame for how anybody wants to design a ROM hack/Mod etc, however, I myself have always found the act of changing a game too much to be very contentious, because at the end of the day you are playing a form of art and considering the mindset people have when it comes to game design, I am just not a fan of making an entirely different thing over the skeleton. That being said, I really like the mindset Smith has in wanting to stick to the vision of the game, as not only is it a nice way to distinguish from other ROM hacks, but if done right you can create whatever potential or content you found lacking. And this is from someone who loves Mods and ROMs, just not the vision people have nowadays, given this there are issues with things he says I don't agree with that are also just issues I find with modern game criticism in general. Namely the "I don't like it so it needs to be gone" mindset, where if players find something, they don't like they rather spend their time complaining or make video after video doing the same thing about the issue but don't really ever discuss how the issue should be addressed, they just rather complain about something inconveniencing them. I get and understand that you want to value all the time you have, but I feel people take it too literally nowadays, to the point they treat small things as if they are personally offended, and often times this "hurry up" mindset causes a lot of problems when it comes to world interactivity and progression. There's actively hindering progress/experience, and then there's blowing up an inconvenience.

My big issue with these videos (alongside every single Gen 2 video) is that they treat these problems as if they are exclusive to Gen 2, when they are an overarching problem. Which makes these videos seem dishonest in many cases. (Its also just annoying to see the same video over and over again repeat the same thing with nothing to add) Not counting the poor handling of certain Johto mons and level curves, issues like movepool, story, and balancing are problems other games have too, like I mentioned before it is funny and a bit baffling to me that they bash Johto for this, when Hoenn has a lot of the same problems, as far as a subpar regional dex, power spike on superbosses and movesets.
He complains about a lack of move options, yet these were also a problem in Gen 1, just because the player may have had more convenient TMs doesn't change this fact, because to me it leads to other issues and clashes poorly with the team building, since so many Gen 1 Pokemon rely on TMs in gen where getting more than one of the same TM was scarce. Outside of options people aren't going to use outside of Hyper Beam. I also think he puts WAY too much emphasis on STAB. Many of the movepools were borrowed over from Gen 1 with the caveat being that their best attacks are gated by Egg moves, likely GF's way to implement their breeding mechanic, which yeah could have been executed much better. But for me, it is SO hard to say Gen 1 is a better game like everyone suddenly sees to now when problems stem beyond glitches (as a side note I HATE this stigma people have where they must complain about a popular game to no end, but then act as if the problems of an overcriticzed game are what is specifically stated as the main problem, completely ignoring the overarching problem)
While still a problem, Gen 2 is more tolerable when it comes to its overworld progression by means of two things "bag space and menu hopping" which is a constant problem in Gen 1, alongside gameplay issues such as Sleep and the fact so many NPCs cause status or spam trapping moves, namely Wrap.

When it comes to STAB, I feel this is something people grossly overexaggerate about the first three Gens, like this apparent notion that if a Pokemon has no STAB they are bad, when you look at formats for certain Pokemon on competitive teams in early Gens, not all of them had to run STAB to be successful, the mechanics actually built around the fact that you could run a mon that didn't have to have STAB coverage, compared how they would be designed to today. They treat this as if it is a design flaw, when if people can appreciate Gen 1 for its mechanics like Speed = Critical hits, then this is virtually no different, its just a different design with its own rules For me, the biggest offenders in his videos were Starmie, Gengar and the whole Dark/Ghost type thing. With Starmie I found him ranting about lacking Psychic in its learnset to be a very weird and out-there criticism, when literally in no other game including modern ones does Starmie ever learn Psychic by level up, so why does he specifically treat this as a Gen 2 only thing? Again that came off as so disingenuous, not only that, does Starmie really need Psychic that bad? Starmie can literally sweep most of the game with BoltBeam coverage, and what's even odder is he removed Gengar and Alakazam's options to use all elemental punches because of "too powerful again bosses" yet he just did thhat with Starmie. With Surf, Psychic, Plus BoltBeam it can literally solo sweep the bosses in the game. With the only moment of slow down being Karen's Umbreon. With Gengar, this is a Pokemon who in Gens 2 and 3 didn't even need to run Shadow Ball because it had a movepool it could use in compensation, there's nothing this would add to its gameplan because Psychic types weren't even common or that good. So just giving Gengar that REALLY limtits Gars versatiliity because it now has a mandatory slot, and even desgn speaking when i say face a mon that's a Water type, am I really just going to STAB or am I going to use T Bolt? That's where I'm coming from here. His Starmie rant really came off as just reaching!

There was this excellent video by Jimothy Cool, who very well explains and defends the non-P/S split era, and why Pokemon don't need STAB, if you want to hear more elaborate thoughts, just watch this video
, his thoughts mimic my own regarding this design mindset. Additionally, the whole Ghost/Dark thing extends more than just "it doesn't make sense", Ghost and Dark cover the exact same thing, and like the point I made about a lack of STAB, why does it matter if say Sneasel doesn't have STAB dark type moves when IF it was designed where it could use those options it would be weaker than if it just used Shadow Ball to cover the same options. Since not only does SB cover the same things, it also outclasses very Dark moves other than Crunch, and considering he just boosted Sneasel's SP Attack by a measly 20, it's still going to have the same problem. Only now a less powerful option, as even with STAB it would be weaker than if it just used Shadow Ball to cover the same thing. This same logic applies to every Pre-Gen 4 Dark type not named Tyranitar or Houndoom. And he did this just because Gengar could run Shadow Ball? Like Gengar needed to run it to be good, when it was only done to "make sense" not everything needs to be perfectly balanced or symmetrical in a surface-level way of thinking, which tbh this completely contradicts his design of "staying true to Crystal" since you just changed a design element of the game drastically that it now functions differently.

This same thing applies to his fixing of Bug types. While I understand wanting to give these Pokemon a Bug STAB move, it's so bizarre to see Twineedle (a move about stabbing an enemy twice with a spike) on Pokemon that don't have spikes, like Yanma. Leech Life on Butterfree is a little weird for similar reasons. If a Pokemon doesn't notably have a body part that it needs for a move, it shouldn't be able to use the move.
Wasn't the goal to "balance Gen 2, but if someone who knows the game plays it, it still feels like Gen 2"? These challenges, while balancing, are changing the game completely. Let's take cut for example. We all know that cut sucks, so we won't consider using it. But now, unless I have prior knowledge from the videos/changelogs, this move now is something completely different. Same thing with the secondary effects. Blind playing, people will just be confused by stuff like sludge bomb not poisoning NEARY as often. Therefore, he changed how the game works!

Then there's also his changes to the character's teams. Like many others, he thinks Karen should have a Tyranitar. Karen losing Team Members thematically defeats the point of her theme, she's using her favorites, it's better to keep her with her favorites. If anything, it would've been better to either give her an additional team member or give all of her Pokemon extra tools to get the job done. Vileplume could've functioned as a Support Wall Like Umbreon does, with the difference being that Umbreon loses to fighters while Vileplume can sit on them all day, which gives Vileplume a breath of life into that teamslot. It also can't be understated that Vileplume also does cover a weakness of hers, which Tyranitar actually makes even more obvious, Rock/Ground Types. Murkrow and Houndoom loses to the Rocks while Houndoom and Gengar, her 2 heavy hitters btw, lose to ground types, Vileplume, on the other hand, says hello to both and can scare them away with ease. Sludge Bomb and Giga Drain are all you need for attacks for this, the other 2 moves can be support oriented to help her team after the fact, such as Sleep Powder for Gengar. Tyranitar doesn't offer that. Giving her a Tyranitar thematically ruins the whole point of using Pokémon she likes. He bascally contradicted the entire point of her character line, the point is that Karen is proving that you don't need powerhouses to do well, you just need more than power. A theme of Karen's team is focusing on utility to overwhelm her opponents on top of that, Murkrow should have kept Pursuit instead of Faint Attack. Even with its buffed stats, it makes sense to make Murkrow be an underhanded fighter that'll make people think twice about switching out to another Pokémon.

The idea of her team consisting of her favorites while also being oriented to help each other is a great idea for her thematically as it fits with the original idea, and the idea of her being an Elite Four Member because she knows how to switch her Pokemon around to gain an advantage would make her a more intriguing member than simply padding her with a Tyranitar. Tyranitar would fit Lance more than it would Karen.

As for Lance, man, giving him Zapdos seems really headcanon-y, and, I think, moves away from a "fixing problems" romhack that this project has been. Not a huge fan of just about everything having 100% accuracy. Maybe it's a hot take. I think the games should try to ground themselves a bit and not assume that every attack will always hit. I tick 85-90% accuracy should be the norm and 100 should be a little rarer. I also think 10 pp for all the powerful moves is WAY too much. I don't want the rom to hold your hand too much or help nuzlockers too much. I say, **** them at 7 and make PP UPs twice as common. Or even three times as common. this would also just make the elemental beams pointless since you'd just use their stronger alternatives all the time. Wasn't the goal to "balance Gen 2, but if someone who knows the game plays it, it still feels like Gen 2"? I feel he's hypocritical in a lot of ways.
I wouldn't have considered that perspective, but that is a good point, btw what do you think of this?
Also nicely argued.


I wouldn't have considered that perspective, but that is a good point, btw what do you think of this?
Also nicely argued.
I already commented my thoughts on it. It is yes another example of the point I am making, this annoying trend of game critics taking a game considered popular and just complaining about it over and over and over again, while adding nothing new to the perspective, they just echo chamber the same things said a dozen times over. Yes, there are legiit criticisms to point out, but for me when it gets to a point of repetition how valid your points are isn't the problem when it begins to feel less like making a point and more like lets just repetitively hammer in the same thing over again. I understand this is all subjective, but they fall into the same pitfalls every other critic does with this agenda, they disingenuously frame it as if these problems are just problems exclusive to this game. That is my problem, he and all the other critics on this Gen 2 kick act like these are problems isolated to these games only, when they are not! At least not all of them. Gamers seem to do this now, a game comes out, is popular, enter a swarm of echo chamber videos to explain how "badly designed" the game is, and complain about every element of the game in such a hyperbolic way, while they gatekeep or outright elitist their own favorite games in return.

His response is also the type of response I dislike, the "It's too long so I respect your opinion" kind, because while preference is all just a matter of someone's personal taste, disregarding long-form comments always feels like gating forms of discussion. Because not everyone wants to make a point by simply writing a small paragraph or sentence, so I can't comment a huge response on a video literally designed around discussion because someone is too lazy to read a comment. It is also just a blatant alternate way of saying "I don't have a defense for my point, so I'm going to say its too long to avoid any argument engagement, but I respect your opinion" How can you if you don't even bother with it?

As for my own critiques, I'll just type what I said in the video comment section. While Gen 2 isn't my favorite, but a lot of issues with it are issues with other games, I still prefer it to Gen 1, for me, it is SO hard to say Gen 1 is a better game like everyone suddenly seems to now when problems stem beyond glitches (as a side note I HATE this stigma people have where they must complain about a popular game to no end, but then act as if the problems of an overcriticzed game are what is specifically stated as the main problem, completely ignoring the overarching problem) While still a problem, Gen 2 is more tolerable when it comes to its overworld progression by means of two things "bag space and menu hopping" which is a constant problem in Gen 1, alongside gameplay issues such as Sleep and the fact so many NPCs cause status or spam trapping moves, namely Wrap.

Outside of level curve and lack of region representation, there isn't much I would say it does worse than others. The Cyndaquil and Charmander line having the same stats isn't lazy when their playstyles are much different than one another, though yes, Typhlosion shouldn't have the same base stats, their movepools are different and do have different utility outside of being fast sweepers. I'm also just not a fan of blatantly insulating developers because you disagree with them. I agree that when you compared the regional dex's of every game, Johto's power level, on the whole, is lower, but I would state the contrary and say Hoenn isn't that much lower because how many of them are just as unusable or only serve a single purpose that isn't even useful in the game? You have the worst Water/Ground type in Whishcash (who is already outclassed by Swampert game) two double battle specific Pokemon (Plusle, Minun, Volbeat, Illumise) one of each duo is just a worst version of the other, Shedinja (who's gimmick isn't good in a game where gyms are unfriendly to Bug types) Luvdisc who rivals that of Delibird, Ariados and Pre Gen4 Yanma in usefulness, Mawile (especially in Emerald where its availability is worse) Tropius, Spinda, Castform, Nosepass (also bad availability) Cradily, Huntail (a worse Gorebyss who isn't even available until after 7th badge and aren't used by any trainers, you wouldn't even get to register both in the Dex) Relicanth, Delcatty (only made for contest and its stats are honestly worse than 95% of the Johto Dex) Beautifly, Dustox (worse versions of Butterfree and Beedrill) Surskit and Masquerain (not even obtainable in Emeraldoutsde of swarms) Glalie (mediocre stats, the best of the bad mons and its only uses are for a couple of Elite Four battles, can't be gotten until 7 badges) Wailord, Mightyena, Pelipper (bad before it got Drizzle) Chimecho (not used by any trainers and appears in a missable area absurd by fog), Grumpig (not bad, but it literally has NOTHING but STAB Psychic, and is just a worse Gardevoir) Bannette, Swalot (a worse Muk) .

Even a lot of good options are hampered by bad movesets, including the starters (excluding Swampert) especially if you chose Treecko. This is a Dex that features 202 Pokémon, 135 of which are new out of these options the ones I just listed equate to around 30 of them are so weak or outclassed to be useful, and if you add the amount you can't get due to being too late game, like around 7 to 8 badges (The Adformentioned Huntail, Gorebyss, Chimecho, Salamence, Metagross, Regis, Walrein, Dusclops, Relicanth, Luvdisc, Chimecho, ) that's like 7 more options too late. So really you don't have as many options as you think. Johto just has the more apparent issue of its late gamers like Houndour, Murkrow, Misdreavus and Slugma behind its postgame, but it is also still just the end of the game so to speak, you just play more of an expansion of the region. It's also strange to say the Gen 2 mons being evolutions to Gen 1 mons, devalues them as "Gen 2 mons" in the confines of gym leader teams or overall dex, yet Gen 4's dex does the same thing with how many new mons are just evolutions to previous ones. That doesn't mean they still aren't new Pokemon, is Roserade not valid now as Gen 4 because it evolves from Roselia to a Gen 3 mon?

I also don't see the lack of Gen 2 mons not being on gym leader teams as an issue of them being weak, if Wallace/Juan can use Luvdisc in their 8th gym battle then it shows that the lack of Johto mons isn't a "because they are bad" more than it is a design oversight, since you also have to factor in the point at which you fight them, Ariados and Ledian aren't bad for second gym, if Koga uses on as Elite Four, where Ariados is outclassed entirely. Especially when in the case of Wallace/Juan they could've used Gorebyss and Huntail who are not represented otherwise. Honestly, a lot of older Pokemon games just shouldn't gate any Pokemon from the player, regardless if they are good or bad unless they are Pesudo Legendaries (if they can't find a way around making them evolve earlier) because even if say, you play the superior 3rd version (Yellow, Crystal, Emerald etc) all Pokemon should be obtainable for the player to use, regardless of what is not present is something as unimpressive as Arbok (absent in Yellow) or Masquerain (absent in Emerald), because these are just options you won't experience in the superior version of the game, this isn't just a Crystal or "Gen 2" issue, like these trends, make disingenuous attempts to seem, and for the one version cases like Magmar or Zangoose it's even worse!

It never made sense to me to want Larvitar in Johto because he would just have the same issues Dragonite and Salamence had in their debut gens. Because with Gen 1, if I say wanted to use Dratini to get Dragonite I would just be looking at Dragonair's base states, since Gen 1 doesn't have enough trainers to reach level 50s without some amount of grinding, part of the glory of team building is that not only does it create gameplay customization, but it also works thematically in a progression sense, your Pokemon's progression is a sign of your development and growth, them reaching those final stages showcases your power level is endgame and are ready to take on the last bit of the game, if I am stuck with a mid-stage level o last boss or bosses of the game, what is the point otherwise? Salamence has this same problem alongside being gated behind 8 badges and Tyranitar would've had the same problem. To Hoenn's credit, there is a bit more to do than in Johto, but it is still too late for the post-Mossdeep Pokemon. That's literally half of your options in the game exclusively Hoenn mons! I also don't see how it is an extension of Kanto is a bad thing, given how it directly ties off of Gen 1, it could have been executed better, especially since it wastes its potential to be a second adventure in the previous game's main region, I agree with that, but it also doesn't make the region bad just because it isn't its own region. The worst that Kanto's poor execution does in Gen 2 is showcase the time crunch the games had, as it really does feel like Kanto feels very unfinished like they didn't get to develop as much as they could, which the remakes DO improve on! He literally states in a response to another well established comment "As for the Gen V games BW2 is supposed to be a sequel and not a separate generation so, of course, it will depend on BW a lot, IMO if they really wanted to make a sequel to RBY it would have made more sense to just make a game still set in Kanto" but like, that is exactly what Gen 2 is, it is literally a sequel to Gen 1, in the same way BW2 are to BW.

And while I am not a fan of when Pokemon (or RPGs for that matter) use absurd level scaling as a means of difficulty spike, Red isn't even that bad, in fact, I found the remakes did it worse. I find he's significantly harder in HGSS than GSC. I beat Red on my first try in a lot of no-grind team runs, especially. And just like a user on this forum said, this same problem happens in Emerald with Steven, yet again nobody complains about that despite having the same issues (and even worse with the HM requirement) so why does Steven get a pass and Red doesn't? Even Pokemon Black/White has Cynthia and the GameFreak employees who have teams full of level mid-70 Pokemon like Red does in GSC. You could even make a stretch to say FRLG and Platinum have their own secret post-game superbosses too through their champions' rematch teams after you clear the post-game storylines (their teams are in the mid 70's like GSC Red). As with the case in GSC/HGSS your Pokemon definitely aren't going to be level 70 by the time those fights open up if you're managing a full party of six and never grind. For the sake of not making this even longer, moveset issues are not just a Gen 2 problem, it was an early Gen problem as a whole, even Gen 4 didn't do it right.

Hunter Zolomon

Into the Shadows
Staff member
Just a general reminder. Talking about roms isn't allowed per rule 1.

1. Don't ask for or provide illegal content, discuss cheating devices or cheat codes
This includes episode downloads, Gameshark, Action Replay, ROMs, etc



Just a general reminder. Talking about roms isn't allowed per rule 1.

1. Don't ask for or provide illegal content, discuss cheating devices or cheat codes
This includes episode downloads, Gameshark, Action Replay, ROMs, etc

Apologies for that, I will keep that in mind for the future. Thank you!


Not a Very Well-Known Member
I will say that that it's funny how despite all the criticisms of the movepools and stats the Pokemon had in gen 1/2, RBY, GSC, FRLG are still some of the easiest games in the series. At least, speaking from my experiences of playing through all the games recently.

The only time I really felt "Wow, a lot of the Kanto/Johto dex is really mid in battle" was when playing HGSS and Colosseum. When I got to HGSS in my retrospective playthroughs, I already used most of the game's viable options in playthroughs of RBY~DPPT and didn't want to reuse any mons (not to mention any of the Pokemon I feel are exceptionally good in battle like Scizor require you to really go out of your way to get them. Then there's the fact stone evolutions like Starmie will require you to take quite the detour with Pokeathlon. Even some Pokemon with really good stats like Yanmega or Ambipom have terrible level up movepools). It really didn't help half of the game's TMs are into Kanto which limits team building so no trying to do Toxic stall with your wall-y mons like Forretress or Umbreon. I also wish it used Crystal's encounter tables as inspiration since it gave you more variety early on.


Well-Known Member
I already commented my thoughts on it. It is yes another example of the point I am making, this annoying trend of game critics taking a game considered popular and just complaining about it over and over and over again, while adding nothing new to the perspective, they just echo chamber the same things said a dozen times over. Yes, there are legiit criticisms to point out, but for me when it gets to a point of repetition how valid your points are isn't the problem when it begins to feel less like making a point and more like lets just repetitively hammer in the same thing over again. I understand this is all subjective, but they fall into the same pitfalls every other critic does with this agenda, they disingenuously frame it as if these problems are just problems exclusive to this game. That is my problem, he and all the other critics on this Gen 2 kick act like these are problems isolated to these games only, when they are not! At least not all of them. Gamers seem to do this now, a game comes out, is popular, enter a swarm of echo chamber videos to explain how "badly designed" the game is, and complain about every element of the game in such a hyperbolic way, while they gatekeep or outright elitist their own favorite games in return.

His response is also the type of response I dislike, the "It's too long so I respect your opinion" kind, because while preference is all just a matter of someone's personal taste, disregarding long-form comments always feels like gating forms of discussion. Because not everyone wants to make a point by simply writing a small paragraph or sentence, so I can't comment a huge response on a video literally designed around discussion because someone is too lazy to read a comment. It is also just a blatant alternate way of saying "I don't have a defense for my point, so I'm going to say its too long to avoid any argument engagement, but I respect your opinion" How can you if you don't even bother with it?

As for my own critiques, I'll just type what I said in the video comment section. While Gen 2 isn't my favorite, but a lot of issues with it are issues with other games, I still prefer it to Gen 1, for me, it is SO hard to say Gen 1 is a better game like everyone suddenly seems to now when problems stem beyond glitches (as a side note I HATE this stigma people have where they must complain about a popular game to no end, but then act as if the problems of an overcriticzed game are what is specifically stated as the main problem, completely ignoring the overarching problem) While still a problem, Gen 2 is more tolerable when it comes to its overworld progression by means of two things "bag space and menu hopping" which is a constant problem in Gen 1, alongside gameplay issues such as Sleep and the fact so many NPCs cause status or spam trapping moves, namely Wrap.

Outside of level curve and lack of region representation, there isn't much I would say it does worse than others. The Cyndaquil and Charmander line having the same stats isn't lazy when their playstyles are much different than one another, though yes, Typhlosion shouldn't have the same base stats, their movepools are different and do have different utility outside of being fast sweepers. I'm also just not a fan of blatantly insulating developers because you disagree with them. I agree that when you compared the regional dex's of every game, Johto's power level, on the whole, is lower, but I would state the contrary and say Hoenn isn't that much lower because how many of them are just as unusable or only serve a single purpose that isn't even useful in the game? You have the worst Water/Ground type in Whishcash (who is already outclassed by Swampert game) two double battle specific Pokemon (Plusle, Minun, Volbeat, Illumise) one of each duo is just a worst version of the other, Shedinja (who's gimmick isn't good in a game where gyms are unfriendly to Bug types) Luvdisc who rivals that of Delibird, Ariados and Pre Gen4 Yanma in usefulness, Mawile (especially in Emerald where its availability is worse) Tropius, Spinda, Castform, Nosepass (also bad availability) Cradily, Huntail (a worse Gorebyss who isn't even available until after 7th badge and aren't used by any trainers, you wouldn't even get to register both in the Dex) Relicanth, Delcatty (only made for contest and its stats are honestly worse than 95% of the Johto Dex) Beautifly, Dustox (worse versions of Butterfree and Beedrill) Surskit and Masquerain (not even obtainable in Emeraldoutsde of swarms) Glalie (mediocre stats, the best of the bad mons and its only uses are for a couple of Elite Four battles, can't be gotten until 7 badges) Wailord, Mightyena, Pelipper (bad before it got Drizzle) Chimecho (not used by any trainers and appears in a missable area absurd by fog), Grumpig (not bad, but it literally has NOTHING but STAB Psychic, and is just a worse Gardevoir) Bannette, Swalot (a worse Muk) .

Even a lot of good options are hampered by bad movesets, including the starters (excluding Swampert) especially if you chose Treecko. This is a Dex that features 202 Pokémon, 135 of which are new out of these options the ones I just listed equate to around 30 of them are so weak or outclassed to be useful, and if you add the amount you can't get due to being too late game, like around 7 to 8 badges (The Adformentioned Huntail, Gorebyss, Chimecho, Salamence, Metagross, Regis, Walrein, Dusclops, Relicanth, Luvdisc, Chimecho, ) that's like 7 more options too late. So really you don't have as many options as you think. Johto just has the more apparent issue of its late gamers like Houndour, Murkrow, Misdreavus and Slugma behind its postgame, but it is also still just the end of the game so to speak, you just play more of an expansion of the region. It's also strange to say the Gen 2 mons being evolutions to Gen 1 mons, devalues them as "Gen 2 mons" in the confines of gym leader teams or overall dex, yet Gen 4's dex does the same thing with how many new mons are just evolutions to previous ones. That doesn't mean they still aren't new Pokemon, is Roserade not valid now as Gen 4 because it evolves from Roselia to a Gen 3 mon?

I also don't see the lack of Gen 2 mons not being on gym leader teams as an issue of them being weak, if Wallace/Juan can use Luvdisc in their 8th gym battle then it shows that the lack of Johto mons isn't a "because they are bad" more than it is a design oversight, since you also have to factor in the point at which you fight them, Ariados and Ledian aren't bad for second gym, if Koga uses on as Elite Four, where Ariados is outclassed entirely. Especially when in the case of Wallace/Juan they could've used Gorebyss and Huntail who are not represented otherwise. Honestly, a lot of older Pokemon games just shouldn't gate any Pokemon from the player, regardless if they are good or bad unless they are Pesudo Legendaries (if they can't find a way around making them evolve earlier) because even if say, you play the superior 3rd version (Yellow, Crystal, Emerald etc) all Pokemon should be obtainable for the player to use, regardless of what is not present is something as unimpressive as Arbok (absent in Yellow) or Masquerain (absent in Emerald), because these are just options you won't experience in the superior version of the game, this isn't just a Crystal or "Gen 2" issue, like these trends, make disingenuous attempts to seem, and for the one version cases like Magmar or Zangoose it's even worse!

It never made sense to me to want Larvitar in Johto because he would just have the same issues Dragonite and Salamence had in their debut gens. Because with Gen 1, if I say wanted to use Dratini to get Dragonite I would just be looking at Dragonair's base states, since Gen 1 doesn't have enough trainers to reach level 50s without some amount of grinding, part of the glory of team building is that not only does it create gameplay customization, but it also works thematically in a progression sense, your Pokemon's progression is a sign of your development and growth, them reaching those final stages showcases your power level is endgame and are ready to take on the last bit of the game, if I am stuck with a mid-stage level o last boss or bosses of the game, what is the point otherwise? Salamence has this same problem alongside being gated behind 8 badges and Tyranitar would've had the same problem. To Hoenn's credit, there is a bit more to do than in Johto, but it is still too late for the post-Mossdeep Pokemon. That's literally half of your options in the game exclusively Hoenn mons! I also don't see how it is an extension of Kanto is a bad thing, given how it directly ties off of Gen 1, it could have been executed better, especially since it wastes its potential to be a second adventure in the previous game's main region, I agree with that, but it also doesn't make the region bad just because it isn't its own region. The worst that Kanto's poor execution does in Gen 2 is showcase the time crunch the games had, as it really does feel like Kanto feels very unfinished like they didn't get to develop as much as they could, which the remakes DO improve on! He literally states in a response to another well established comment "As for the Gen V games BW2 is supposed to be a sequel and not a separate generation so, of course, it will depend on BW a lot, IMO if they really wanted to make a sequel to RBY it would have made more sense to just make a game still set in Kanto" but like, that is exactly what Gen 2 is, it is literally a sequel to Gen 1, in the same way BW2 are to BW.

And while I am not a fan of when Pokemon (or RPGs for that matter) use absurd level scaling as a means of difficulty spike, Red isn't even that bad, in fact, I found the remakes did it worse. I find he's significantly harder in HGSS than GSC. I beat Red on my first try in a lot of no-grind team runs, especially. And just like a user on this forum said, this same problem happens in Emerald with Steven, yet again nobody complains about that despite having the same issues (and even worse with the HM requirement) so why does Steven get a pass and Red doesn't? Even Pokemon Black/White has Cynthia and the GameFreak employees who have teams full of level mid-70 Pokemon like Red does in GSC. You could even make a stretch to say FRLG and Platinum have their own secret post-game superbosses too through their champions' rematch teams after you clear the post-game storylines (their teams are in the mid 70's like GSC Red). As with the case in GSC/HGSS your Pokemon definitely aren't going to be level 70 by the time those fights open up if you're managing a full party of six and never grind. For the sake of not making this even longer, moveset issues are not just a Gen 2 problem, it was an early Gen problem as a whole, even Gen 4 didn't do it right.
What are your other takes when it comes to Johto? Or just overall.


What are your other takes when it comes to Johto? Or just overall.
I really don't get the issue with people who complain about the Squirtbottle lady sister change in Crystal: This right here is what I was alluding to earlier where the barrier between complaining about something that actually hurts the experience, but makes sense to say it is a pace breaker ad just nitpicking because its a minor inconvenience. Trust me guys, your life is not in jeopardy over 1 minute of gameplay. I really do agree with minorities when they say people are too impatient now, and that really impacts a lot of negative and annoying game discussions when it comes to games, I get wanting to criticize or make a point about a game having flaws, which applies to every piece of media ever, you're not going to have them. But when every conversation about said game just turns into venting sessions that do or add nothing to the equation but echo chamber the same thing over and over again while acting really hyperbolic about it really pushes the limit of how much is making a point! Like if I just want to experience something about a game I like or just read, how tiring would it be just seeing the same thing ad nauseum?
It's just annoying to want to hear about to discuss your favorite games without it spiraling into a venting session consisting of the same echo chambers over again, Part of me feels this wouldn't be as strong if popularity wasn't a factor. People focus too much on the negative, and if you want to use the excuse that it's too glaring, well it would be just as reasonable to say that it doesn't matter to those who have a bias for it, so why is it okay to complain and overemphasize the negative, but not okay to do the opposite? Both are just as problematic even during game discourse.

Especially when more often than not, those same people create the same energy of "how good" something is with another game, and with the Pokemon effect, they act like it was never bad at all. It is just that way because. As a bit of a side tangent, I really dislike how (and this applies to the game discussion as a whole, not just Pokemon) where people base sentiments of a game as if what use to be the sentiment still applies now, for example, people who during a noticeably toxic discussion or everything explained above will go on about how something like B2W2 is underrated games, despite being long after those stopped being the case, but then act as if it still iis the case, who in 2023 would say Black and White games aren't the best or are bad now? Likewise, where can you find something that's not endlessly complaining about Johto and their remakes? It's like people do this in an odd way to gatekeep games they consider the best just because bashing a then-popular game while using that consensus against it is the most popular thing to do on Youtube, Discord, Reddit etc. Even long after that was the consensus, you see more people complain about them than you do actually discussing the game.

If you get to a point where minor inconveniences cause you to rant about it, then that's more of a you problem than a game problem. Issues like the SBL sister are not relevant enough of an issue to compare it to say grinding which is more than just "It slows the game down" rather it doesn't add anything to the gameplay. It makes me question if people actually view this way in real life because tbh this isn't how life works. Small rant aside, I don't see this as a complaint because it really isn't a problem, like at all. Where people come from when making this claim is that "you have to backtrack" but do you really? Do you mean to tell me you just make a beeline for the gym and not take time to explore the town or fight trainers before the gym? It's not even like doing so would overlevel you or anything if you are just playing in a straightforward manner, if you take time to just fight trainers you literally end up on Route 36 with the Sudowoodo, where the sister stands below, you talk to her she heads back to the house and then you fight Whitney to access the event normally, there really anything about it that detracts in a noticeable way, it just comes off as a minor nitpick that's a small inconvenience at worst getting treated like it belongs on the same level as level grinding or level curve which are reasons to point out. In fact, I see a lot of playthroughs where people do exactly this, even in Gold & Silver people fight all the national park and route 36 trainers before progressing to Whitney! Which makes this more questionable for me. Some might say "its pointless" okay, but like I said it's not hurting anything being there either, You can still progress as normal you just don't make a beeline to fight Whitney, which most people won't do.

The Team Rocket Hideout/Radio Tower Takeover: Don't get me wrong, this is a pretty uneventful part of the game, but is it really THAT much worse than like every other villain team section of any Pokemon game? The main criticisms of this boil down to level scaling, lack of team variety and doing too many battles one after another, which the previous to points add onto. But like this can be said for literally most of the evil team sections. Again am I just playing a different game here? This is a major flaw with these parts of the game as a whole, not just isolated to Johto. Even well into Sun & Moon. Grunts on average always have weak low-level Pokemon or fully evolved or not very strong fully evolved ones, which tend to be Aces of the Admins or rare grunt. In fact, if you compare the structure of this in RBY and RSE you will see they don't exactly differ from GSC that much, in fact The Celadon game corner is about as long as the Mahogony Town hideout with the same problem, a lot of grunt fights who all use low leveled weak pokemon of the same variety, which could just be substituted out with little effect, the Silph Co is just the same as Radio Tower, only more rooms that are all identical hallways with the same Pokemon selection that's just as easy to beat. In Gen 3? All Grunts and even Team Leaders use the same Pokemon, even worse than Gens 1 and 2, who at least had the rare mix up. Even Admins havee the same teams as grunts, just with an evolved Pokemon thrown in. In GSC Arianna and Archer have Murkrow, Vilplume, Arbok, Houndour and Houndoom, which lets the player know these are teams different than the grunts plethora of Koffing, Zubat, Ratatta and Raticate spam. Even well into Sun & Moon, team skull use Ratatta and Salandits a lot. Especially Golbat, Pokemon has always had problems giving teams that pull from a similar variety. Even in Emerald, all grunts and admins use Carvanaha, Zubat, Mighteyna, Poocheyna, Baltoy, Numel, and their evos, hell Tabitha's team is literally just Maxie's, but slightly lower leveled!

And this doesn't contribute to Johto's level curve, when these games had the same problem, with level curves that (while not as egregious) still contribute to similar problematic factors that lead to them having their own level curve problem, I see so many post and videos about how you need to necessitate grinding for elite four, Lance and Red in Johto, but I don't ever see this same problem levied at Gen 1 or 3, which have a similar problem. By this I mean, you don't exactly need to grind just to beat Elite Four/Lance, and will still level lower than their aces on average, its also common that your team will naturally be under-leveled compared to the champion's team, cause they are the champion, people act as if you have to be the same level as the bosses to stand a chance, when really that's not the case, by this logic why don't people complain about the 20 level jump from Erika to Koga in Yellow? Or the fact Koga and Sabrina have the same leveled Pokemon at 50, at a point in which the player isn't given enough trainers to be reasonably leveled at their level, especially when in Sabrina's case she's using the most powerful evolutionary line of that Gen that can be difficult to defeat without a heavy hitting normal type move. Even given the case, you won't likely reach level 50 before Elite Four in any of the Kanto-based games not named Let's Go, you will be in your mid to late 40s. The same applies to Gen 3, where you'll only be at Sidney's level but will unlikely reach the levels of the others without some minor grinding because the late game has so many trainers (especially on water routes) who use unevolved weak points that just exist to autopilot your team during battles. Seriously the water routes have the same problem the Johto curve does by Gym 8! In the remakes the Kanto gym leaders and trainers had a level increase and you can rematch gym leaders and elite four members with higher level teams!

Chuck, Jasmine, and Pryce aren't too different than gens 1 and 3 5-7 bosses: A major point I also see, but Gens 1 and 3 had a similar problem, which I find to be a problem with the games, the gaps between each gym are too short or just immediately jump from one gym to another. In Johto, while you can fight any of them in order much like you can in Gen 1, there are factors that make you want to fight them in order. Chuck has the lighthouse, the ocean, and routes 38/39, okay a reasonable break from Morty, You can even plan around a long visit by going to Union Cave with being allowed to surf or level up beforehand, however afterward you just beeline to Jasmine right after who jumps up a whole 5 levels, then Pryce with low level grunts in between with not a very long gap after Jasmine too. This same problem was with Erika to Koga, you had a Cycling Road to Fushia, or the routes below Lavender town to get there, then you fought Koga, then did Sliph Co and fought Sabrina, then not that long of a gap between Pokemon Mansion and Blaine. In Hoenn, Norman is beelined after Flannery, then Winona only has the Weather Institute and the route of large grass in between her and Norman. It's such a short gap that could have been used to funnel your experience more reasonably. If you want to be really technical, even newer titles have a level curve issue just in reverse, where while trainers aren't low-level, it makes you too strong.

Red is no different than Steven, Cynthia, or any other superboss: This idea that gets thrown around is how awful Red is because of a level gap, and while I'm not a fan of RPGs using that as a substitute for difficulty, Red shouldn't be singled out and the others get a pass. In literally every game that adds a superboss they will have a much higher level gap between you and the previously fought trainer or champion, what makes Red any different than say, Steven or Cynthia in Black and White? Steven in Emerald is literally just the Red fight, and nobody seems to complain about that other than shove the complaint about him not being champion over Wallace. When all the same flaws you can name with Red apply to all superbosses.

I don't get how the stones being tied to Pokeathalon is "bad design": Again, this makes no sense to me because it feels like people think a game should just be approached in the same way, you want to just get every stone at a store and not add side content to at least add more variety to the gameplay? They act as if it is bad design, when really I don't see a reason why having side content that gives you things is bad, people constantly use "I don't like" something with "its bad design" so because you don't like it that makes it bad? I didn't know subjectivity was objectivity. But they praise mini-games like Mantine surfing from SM, which admittedly is fun, but ultimately is an excuse to grind for stuff. This is much better than when games make you wait until the end of the game to get stones (cough Gen 3) or gate them till postgame.


I will say that that it's funny how despite all the criticisms of the movepools and stats the Pokemon had in gen 1/2, RBY, GSC, FRLG are still some of the easiest games in the series. At least, speaking from my experiences of playing through all the games recently.

The only time I really felt "Wow, a lot of the Kanto/Johto dex is really mid in battle" was when playing HGSS and Colosseum. When I got to HGSS in my retrospective playthroughs, I already used most of the game's viable options in playthroughs of RBY~DPPT and didn't want to reuse any mons (not to mention any of the Pokemon I feel are exceptionally good in battle like Scizor require you to really go out of your way to get them. Then there's the fact stone evolutions like Starmie will require you to take quite the detour with Pokeathlon. Even some Pokemon with really good stats like Yanmega or Ambipom have terrible level up movepools). It really didn't help half of the game's TMs are into Kanto which limits team building so no trying to do Toxic stall with your wall-y mons like Forretress or Umbreon. I also wish it used Crystal's encounter tables as inspiration since it gave you more variety early on.
I agree with this actually. GF always had issues with adapting their remakes from inferior versions, I don't know why they didn't use Crystal's encounter tables. I actually don't mind the Pokeathalon, since it adds gameplay variation. Movesets never got fixed to me until Gen 5, as even in DPP the movesets were bad.

Sceptile Leaf Blade

Nighttime Guardian
Crystal doesn't get better early encounter tables. No good electric types early on, no good fire types early on that can evolve without needing a Fire stone. Both Gold and Silver at least get Mareep and Magmar, Crystal gets neither.


Not a Very Well-Known Member
The Sun and Moon games are way more guilty of being ""unfair"" and ""artificially difficulty"" than any of the GameBoy~DS era Pokemon games. Cynthia having a team of Pokemon ten levels higher than you is "badly designed" but Totem Mimikyu having an inflated HP stat, starting the fight with a free omniboost, and summoning allies so that your one Pokemon is attacked by multiple others at once is fine? How about every important trainers having optimized IVs AND EVs?

This isn't me saying Sun and Moon are badly designed. Even if you play the game with the EXP share turned off and don't grind, your ability to infinite item spam makes all those fights totally beatable (they even buffed X items, probably because of how brutal Sun and Moon are if you turn off the EXP Share). I'm just saying, if people want to push back against the old games for "fake difficulty" (because a boss fight in a video game is objectively stronger than you.. even that's literally how every violent video game works) by their own standards, Sun and Moon is full of it. Only reason it gets off the hook is most people play with EXP Share on and probably played enough in Refresh to get the balance-breaking affection boosts.

Divine Retribution

Every 10 years, a great man. Who pays the bill?
How about every important trainers having optimized IVs AND EVs?

I think important trainers should have optimal IVs and EV spreads. I also think it should be easier for the player to have access to these tools as well in the middle stages of the game. I think this is one of the best ways that you can introduce another layer of genuine difficulty to the game, at least if it's feasible for the player to also have access to these tools at the same stage in the game.

Optimized IVs and EV spreads are usually treated as late-game or post-game content though, and I don't agree with that. I would like to see EV training items and training areas be accessible much earlier in the game, and also to see more content like bottle caps to patch up Pokemon's IVs be available at much earlier stages in the game, without high level requirements and such.

I don't think there's many examples of what I would consider unfair difficulty in Pokemon. Mainly I would say difficulty is unfair if it's introduced in a way that the player has no control over or consistent way to respond to, such as RNG-based mechanics. There's some of this built into Pokemon and perhaps some strategies that rely on maximizing these mechanics' influence over the battle might be considered 'unfair', such as Swagger + Foul Play or spamming Evasion boosts, but most bosses in Pokemon tend not to use strategies like this. Even if they did, using specific counters to these strategies for a single boss fight carries far less opportunity cost in an in-game setting than in a competitive one.


I come and go suddenly
I'm not sure if I should be posting this, but...

I'm actually not too fond of the open world aspect of Scarlet/Violet. I always prefer knowing where I need to go instead of looking everywhere for the right places for my level range and getting lost. Levels don't scale either, so let's say even if you fight Katy last for instance, she's still going to have a team that level 15-ish. I actually looked up a guide for the recommended order for each of the gyms/titans/Team Star, so I could plan what to do next.

I know some people love the open world aspect, but I'm not a fan of it personally.
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Live freely
I'm not sure if I should be posting this, but...

I'm actually not too fond of the open world aspect of Scarlet/Violet. I always prefer knowing where need to go instead of looking everywhere for the right places for my level range and getting lost. Levels don't scale either, so let's say even if you fight Katy last for instance, she's still going to have a team that level 15-ish. I actually looked up a guide for the recommended order for each of the gyms/titans/Team Star, so I could plan what to do next.

I know some people love the open world aspect, but I'm not a fan of it personally.
Yeah I’m the same way. Kind of defeats the purpose of “creating your own adventure” when there’s a path that’s pretty hard to diverge from without being under/overleveled for getting not only the 18 badges but also new team members.


Well-Known Member
I'm not a fan of how Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are open world but that the developers still used tall mountains to control where the player goes during the story. It becomes annoying when traveling around the map later in the game for players like me who don't fly everywhere. The developers should have had moderately sized hills and mountains and then locked all the secret areas (like Area Zero) underground in caves to be explored later. Alternatively, they could have allowed ride pokemon to climb moderate slopes but locked some areas behind fences or short but very steep slopes (almost like a natural fence) maybe two times taller than Miradon and Koraidon can jump but no more. A giant mountain range around Area Zero was unnecessary.

Also, the developers left a bunch of NPC's standing randomly in fields and called them students regardless of age and appearance. It would have been nicer if more of the map had interesting locations corresponding to real life attractions or locations in Spain or interesting non-Spain specific types of locations like the beach resort in Sun/Moon. The NPC's can stand beside a location and be thematically tied to it. For instance, there should have been a Tauros specific contest like the one in the anime and NPC "bull fighter" or "bull rider" trainer classes to fight. I miss other colorful NPC trainer classes like swimmers.

There was a lot of talk about art during the story and it is even a class you take, but the player never gets to do anything interactive that relates to art. Paldea just needed more stuff in it if it going to be presented a large open world.

Also, dexit. I think this decision is affecting the collectors among fans. It is hard to maintain and trade a large group of apricorn balled, shiny, or hidden ability pokemon if you can't move your entire collection into one game apart from Pokemon Home. Home has limited functionality because the pokemon there can't be bred or evolved. The dexit decision has fragmented such collections across multiple generations. It shows. The active trade shops that used to thrive on Serebii Forums have mostly disappeared.


Paladin of the Snow Queen
I'm not a fan of how Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are open world but that the developers still used tall mountains to control where the player goes during the story. It becomes annoying when traveling around the map later in the game for players like me who don't fly everywhere. The developers should have had moderately sized hills and mountains and then locked all the secret areas (like Area Zero) underground in caves to be explored later. Alternatively, they could have allowed ride pokemon to climb moderate slopes but locked some areas behind fences or short but very steep slopes (almost like a natural fence) maybe two times taller than Miradon and Koraidon can jump but no more. A giant mountain range around Area Zero was unnecessary.

Also, the developers left a bunch of NPC's standing randomly in fields and called them students regardless of age and appearance. It would have been nicer if more of the map had interesting locations corresponding to real life attractions or locations in Spain or interesting non-Spain specific types of locations like the beach resort in Sun/Moon. The NPC's can stand beside a location and be thematically tied to it. For instance, there should have been a Tauros specific contest like the one in the anime and NPC "bull fighter" or "bull rider" trainer classes to fight. I miss other colorful NPC trainer classes like swimmers.

There was a lot of talk about art during the story and it is even a class you take, but the player never gets to do anything interactive that relates to art. Paldea just needed more stuff in it if it going to be presented a large open world.

Also, dexit. I think this decision is affecting the collectors among fans. It is hard to maintain and trade a large group of apricorn balled, shiny, or hidden ability pokemon if you can't move your entire collection into one game apart from Pokemon Home. Home has limited functionality because the pokemon there can't be bred or evolved. The dexit decision has fragmented such collections across multiple generations. It shows. The active trade shops that used to thrive on Serebii Forums have mostly disappeared.
You do understand that the giant mountain range is justified as that is where whatever it was that created Area Zero impacted the ground? The ground isn't like the ocean where the wave will just dissipate back into the source.
Anybody can be a student. Students are not limited to children and young adults.
Dexit: It was inevitable simply due to the number of Pokemon. Arguments against it generally fail to understand how much work and memory it takes to model unique animations for every single Pokemon.
And it's not trading shops that are dying, it's forums. Trading is plenty active on the Serebii Discord.

Divine Retribution

Every 10 years, a great man. Who pays the bill?
The dexit decision has fragmented such collections across multiple generations. It shows. The active trade shops that used to thrive on Serebii Forums have mostly disappeared.

This is less because of Dexit and more because centralized social media sites like Twitter/X/whatever, Reddit, and FaceBook have largely killed off specialized sites like Serebii. There isn't just a decline in activity in the trade forum, there's been a huge drop in activity across the entire board over the last decade or so. I remember when the competitive section used to see dozens of new posts a day, now, outside of the POTW section, it might see that many posts in an entire year. The Guild section is pretty much completely dead with no currently active guilds, during its heyday there were 20-30 active guilds/clans at any given time representing hundreds of members.

It's sad to see as a long time Serebii user, but it's also probably inevitable. Nothing can last forever, and at least I got to experience the good times while they lasted.


Well-Known Member
You do understand that the giant mountain range is justified as that is where whatever it was that created Area Zero impacted the ground? The ground isn't like the ocean where the wave will just dissipate back into the source.
Anybody can be a student. Students are not limited to children and young adults.
Dexit: It was inevitable simply due to the number of Pokemon. Arguments against it generally fail to understand how much work and memory it takes to model unique animations for every single Pokemon.
And it's not trading shops that are dying, it's forums. Trading is plenty active on the Serebii Discord.

1) Stock image of an asteroid impact crater from a US National Park in Arizona with buildings for scale. Note that the raised rim around the outside of the crater isn't a mountain range. These craters are more like dents in the earth rather than crumples. Mountain ranges form from the movement of tectonic plates. The difference makes sense intrinsically. A minor car crash can crumple the panels on a car whereas a strong man with a hammer striking the center of a flat surface (like hood of a car) is more likely to cause dents.
2) Anybody CAN be a student. However, I would expect to run into more than just students and couriers and rarely anyone else while playing a best-selling RPG.
3) Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom has a download size of 16.3 GB. Pokemon Scarlet was about 7GB at launch. Pokemon Sword was a little over 10GB. They have more space.
4) I guess I need to check out the discord. Perhaps I'm just becoming an old fart for preferring forums.


Paladin of the Snow Queen

1) Stock image of an asteroid impact crater from a US National Park in Arizona with buildings for scale. Note that the raised rim around the outside of the crater isn't a mountain range. These craters are more like dents in the earth rather than crumples. Mountain ranges form from the movement of tectonic plates. The difference makes sense intrinsically. A minor car crash can crumple the panels on a car whereas a strong man with a hammer striking the center of a flat surface (like hood of a car) is more likely to cause dents.
2) Anybody CAN be a student. However, I would expect to run into more than just students and couriers and rarely anyone else while playing a best-selling RPG.
3) Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom has a download size of 16.3 GB. Pokemon Scarlet was about 7GB at launch. Pokemon Sword was a little over 10GB. They have more space.
4) I guess I need to check out the discord. Perhaps I'm just becoming an old fart for preferring forums.
1. Craters disappear over time. Dirt accumulates around them and they erode like mountains. The Area Zero crater is less than 1000 years old compared to the millions of years old one in Arizona.

2. Why? You're out in the wilderness for the most part, where only students and couriers would really be. There are plenty of NPCs in the cities and towns.

3. Legend of Zelda has how many unique models, exactly? There aren't that many enemies. Moblins, Bokoblins, Chu Chus, the bat things, a few more that I'm forgetting, the horses, the guardians, the dragons, and the bosses. Maybe 200 and I'm being generous. Guess what Zelda also doesn't have? A 3-year time limit on developing games that can't be altered because of merchandising deals. Dexit was inevitable. End. of. dicsussion.

Captain Jigglypuff

*On Vacation. Go Away!*
Dexit was always going to happen. I don’t understand why people think video game programming is so easy when you need to make sprites and animate them and make sure they work properly, input attacks and hope nothing glitches out, and then add in cries. Now that there are over 1000 Pokémon, it’s extremely hard to find a way to put literally every Pokémon into the games. And if you think it’s so easy to just add every single Pokémon and animations then I’d like to see you do it and then test the additions to make sure they won’t crash or serious glitch out the game within a time limit of a year. You think you know everything about video game programming and how it works and keep insisting that Dexit can easily be resolved by adding every single Pokémon into the games. Come on. Do it! Put all of the missing Pokémon into the game and make them both functional and fully animated. I’m waiting.