RoyalGlutius Maximus
Ya, I know I posted this before, but I deleted it, read the rules, and now understand.
This is the first chapter of my debut Serebii novel!
Unsung Hero
Chapter 1- A Destiny Begins
It had been twenty years ago that I was an eager little five year old who adored Red Ketchum. I remember the day he left on his journey, and how much I wanted to do the same someday. Eventually I did, but those five years were the longest of my life. Me (Alex) and my best friend Wallace, always pretended we were Pokemon. I was sprawled on all fours, just like a Meowth. He was jumping around, just like a Spearow. I remember the warm summer day, with the sound of the water trickling its way down the river. I, suddenly, was attacked by some wild Pokemon. To this day I still do not remember what Pokemon attacked me, but I remember what saved me. A Zangoose, who to this day is still my companion. The young Pokemon clawed the attacker, and won. Me and Wally chased the Zangoose. It kept running. Finally as the Sun went down, we decided to continue our journey the next day.
Me and Wally went into the forest, this time with bait. We spotted the Zangoose many times, but never caught it. We left food for it, and at sunset, as we left the forest, I heard the nibble of a hungry Pokemon.
On the third day, me and Zangoose became friends. Wally was sick, so I went alone. I checked footprints, and looked for other signs of a Zangoose. I went to the river late that morning, and saw Zangoose munching on what I had left him the day before. He jumped up and started to run away. He climbed into a tree. I took out a Snickers and held it up to him. Reluctantly, he climbed down from his perch. He snatched the candy bar from my grasp, and snarfed it. He lay down, and I softly petted his furry head. I told him everything about me. Zangoose would grunt, or nod his head in approval of something. It was getting late into the afternoon, and I knew I needed to go. I stood and started walking. He ran up beside me, and followed me home.
Five years came and went. Red would visit home, and praise me with my Pokemon skills. I beamed everytime he said, “You’re improving, Alex.” Eventually he became famous. He would visit home less and less. I’ll never forget the last day I saw him walk out of Pallet, after telling me we would battle someday.
Me and Zangoose added 5 more companions. A Heracross, a Donphan, a Breloom, Skarmory, and a Crawdaunt. I spent endless hours, befriending every Pokemon I could, and steadily training my beloved friends. My tenth birthday arrived, and my was to soon begin.
I remember the day that me and Wally left home. We were both kinda teary eyed. We vowed that we were to battle someday, and we’d always remain best friends. We did our little handshake and parted ways.
Chapter 2 Coming Soon
This is the first chapter of my debut Serebii novel!
Unsung Hero
Chapter 1- A Destiny Begins
It had been twenty years ago that I was an eager little five year old who adored Red Ketchum. I remember the day he left on his journey, and how much I wanted to do the same someday. Eventually I did, but those five years were the longest of my life. Me (Alex) and my best friend Wallace, always pretended we were Pokemon. I was sprawled on all fours, just like a Meowth. He was jumping around, just like a Spearow. I remember the warm summer day, with the sound of the water trickling its way down the river. I, suddenly, was attacked by some wild Pokemon. To this day I still do not remember what Pokemon attacked me, but I remember what saved me. A Zangoose, who to this day is still my companion. The young Pokemon clawed the attacker, and won. Me and Wally chased the Zangoose. It kept running. Finally as the Sun went down, we decided to continue our journey the next day.
Me and Wally went into the forest, this time with bait. We spotted the Zangoose many times, but never caught it. We left food for it, and at sunset, as we left the forest, I heard the nibble of a hungry Pokemon.
On the third day, me and Zangoose became friends. Wally was sick, so I went alone. I checked footprints, and looked for other signs of a Zangoose. I went to the river late that morning, and saw Zangoose munching on what I had left him the day before. He jumped up and started to run away. He climbed into a tree. I took out a Snickers and held it up to him. Reluctantly, he climbed down from his perch. He snatched the candy bar from my grasp, and snarfed it. He lay down, and I softly petted his furry head. I told him everything about me. Zangoose would grunt, or nod his head in approval of something. It was getting late into the afternoon, and I knew I needed to go. I stood and started walking. He ran up beside me, and followed me home.
Five years came and went. Red would visit home, and praise me with my Pokemon skills. I beamed everytime he said, “You’re improving, Alex.” Eventually he became famous. He would visit home less and less. I’ll never forget the last day I saw him walk out of Pallet, after telling me we would battle someday.
Me and Zangoose added 5 more companions. A Heracross, a Donphan, a Breloom, Skarmory, and a Crawdaunt. I spent endless hours, befriending every Pokemon I could, and steadily training my beloved friends. My tenth birthday arrived, and my was to soon begin.
I remember the day that me and Wally left home. We were both kinda teary eyed. We vowed that we were to battle someday, and we’d always remain best friends. We did our little handshake and parted ways.
Chapter 2 Coming Soon