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Upcoming Manga release thread


Staff member
For anyone keeping track of page counts, how does this leave us so far in terms of chapter distribution and how much XY we can expect in volume 55? Because right now I'm under the impression we'll get a repeat of volume 43: XY cover but mostly B2W2 content.

If my math is correct (and it's probably not), we have approximately 254 pages of uncollected B2w2 material. Chapters 541 to chapter 548 (which is still incomplete). I'm not counting the chapter covers, btw.

If volume 54 is 208 pages, then they'll most likely stop at chapter 546, which caps out at 190 pages.

Leaving 64+ pages for volume 55.

If it were up to me, I'd end the volume at XY chapters two (49 pages) or four (97 pages), since they make pretty good cliffhangers, though chapter five (121 pages) is also good. Then again, we also have to account for the Pokemon Fan chapters and volume-only content as well, so who knows?
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Well-Known Member
You know, I was kinda wondering if they would have larger-than-usual volumes this time if they're going to start XY on volume 55, but these Amazon pages seemingly confirm volumes 54 and 55 have 208 and 224 pages respectively.

I took a look the volumes. The number of pages in volume 55 is equivalent to the number of pages in volume 29 or 40. ;)


Staff member
Small heads up. The Shogakukan site is now listing the special edition versions of volumes 54 and 55 as releasing on May 28. The regular versions are still labeled for an April release. Mind you, they could've mistakenly changed one set and not the other. Will keep you updated on anything else.

The Great Butler

Hush, keep it down


The Chords of Steel
Yamamoto confirmed a few hours ago on Twitter that Volumes 54 and 55 (both regular and special editions) will be delayed until May 28th.
It was to be expected given the current situation since Japan recently declared a state of emergency for a month.


Well-Known Member
I have been procrastinating this post for a bit, but Yamamoto changed his Twitter banner a few days ago to an image that I believe is a preview of volume 54's cover.

When he announced the final B2W2 update, he uploaded a more worked version of this illustration, but without the background.

So, the cover is apparently going to focus on Whi-Two and White, with Black and N in the background.
Interesting how Lack-Two is nowhere to be seen. Either he's on the side like in volume 53 and is not shown because Yamamoto apparently doesn't want to show any faces yet, or he's not in the cover at all and this forms a double image with volume 55. The problem is, Yamamoto has already hinted that 55's cover shows XY characters.
Hm... Maybe volume 55's cover is like 15's, and will have characters from both Unova and Kalos?
Or maybe the plans just changed.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure those are the images for the special edition acryllic stands. I mean, compare the two images. The one with White and Whi-Two has them running, basically a dynamic pose that focuses on action. Meanwhile Lack-Two and X are just, like, standing there. That doesn't seem like a cover image to me.


Well-Known Member
The Amazon Japan pages for the limited edition volumes say they're currently unavailable. Is this normal for unreleased products, or does it mean they're sold out there? I'm asking because the only thing I've ever preordered in my life was Kingdom Hearts III, so I don't know if that's normal or not.
I already know of another site that has them in stock, but I'm asking about Amazon first because I already have an account there, and would prefer to be sure before creating a new account somewhere else.


It's normal.

They are sometimes inconsistent with that. You might see stuff releasing on December that you can pre-order but then things that are out like next month might not be.

Sometimes an unreleased item is listed but is made unavaliable for pre-order. Keep checking back from time to time and it will be avaliable eventually.


Staff member
So is this separate from the main volume count, for instance once the main volume count catches up will this get a new number or are they just restarting the count with this?

It's the same as the mini-volumes from before.


Hope we get a collected volume for the manga based in the Journeys anime. I've been looking forward it for a while.
Pokemon Adventures Black 2 and White 2 Volume 3 is apparently releasing in the US on April 13, 2021.

That might just be a placeholder date, but at least we have the Amazon listing. I can't seem to put a Amazon link here, since it's deemed "spam-like" by the board software. But if you search for "Pokémon Adventures: Black 2 & White 2, Vol. 3 (3) " you'll find it.

There doesn't seem to be a listing for volume 4, which is strange, but understandable if the release really is that far out.
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It's been on the wishlist for a while but for some reason Amazon JP says it doesn't ship to my country despite everything else sold and shipped by Amazon being able to.

I'm waiting the release day to see if it'll change.