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Updating D/P PokéDex

Updating D/P PokéDex

Might've been suggested in the past but I've only been a member for a few days.

Anyway, the D/P PokéDex needs some additions:

- A list of all Pokémon sorted by what EV's they give (and how many)
- A list of all Pokémon sorted by their Breeding Group
- Adding what hold item a Pokémon may carry

Basically, enhancing the R/S PokéDex with the new gen Pokémon and saving the hassle of having to check the "Hold Items" list in the Diamond/Pearl games section.


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
The first two arent actually part of the RS Pokedex, they're seperate and I'm going to do it, there are more important things

We have a list of that but we're holding out on adding to the dex so that we can get percentages


Aura Trainer
Silly question: Why are there three seperate Pokedexes? Couldn't they be collated into one?

And any chance of the Base stats including a 'Totals' column?


Queen of Charizards!
HOw about the Pokedex information coronis found. Are you going to add those in too Serebii?