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user name change

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A.R.G.H. Commander
WHEN is the namme change thread coming back!!!?????!!!? I have been waiting for 2 months now!!!!!!!!1

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
But how come someone else can't do it?


Staff member
The other admins don't do name changes?

I was lucky to get one to change mine :p

It'll be back, it's just taking a while.
Hmmm... I was just thinking of getting mine changed but I couldnt find the Name Change Thread... :(. Who else should we PM/ask?


true love
Hmmm... I was just thinking of getting mine changed but I couldnt find the Name Change Thread... :(. Who else should we PM/ask?
It's in the stickys of this very section if you just looked before clicking this thread... You just have to wait for Jess and Fox to finish the current batch of requests in the thread, which is A LOTTT.. But all of you just gotta wait. :/ The admins in charge of name changes are busy with real life activities, as Etebossu mentioned previously.

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