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using daycare

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New Member
I'm trying to train a team up all at once and I'm using the daycare center to help. I was just wondering what growth at daycare is based on. Is it experience won by pokemon in the team or steps taken or what? Thanks for the help.


Help with the Genders

What gender does the pokemon have to be in order to pass on its special ability to the baby pokemon? Example: If I have a female Seedot or any of its evolution stages with Chlorophyll and a male Seedot or any of his evolution stages with Early Bird, would the baby Seedot have Chlorophyll or Early Bird? I like Chlorophyll better because it doubles the Pokemon's speed when it's sunny, better than Early Bird because the pokemon recovers from sleep earlier when I can just simply use an Awakening item or have it hold any item that would wake it up from sleep.
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What gender does the pokemon have to be in order to pass on its special ability to the baby pokemon? Example: If I have a female Seedot or any of its evolution stages with Chlorophyll and a male Seedot or any of his evolution stages with Early Bird, would the baby Seedot have Chlorophyll or Early Bird? I like Chlorophyll better because it doubles the Pokemon's speed when it's sunny, better than Early Bird because the pokemon recovers from sleep earlier when I can just simply use an Awakening item or have it hold any item that would wake it up from sleep.

The ability the baby gets is random. Both parents could have early bird and the baby could have Chlorophyll.

1 step is 1 exp for any pokemon in the daycare.


The ability the baby gets is random. Both parents could have early bird and the baby could have Chlorophyll.

1 step is 1 exp for any pokemon in the daycare.

This isn't so. How could a baby Seedot get Chlorophyll if both of them have Early Bird? The Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire Strategy Guide said the female pokemon passes on its special ability to the baby pokemon while the male pokemon passes on its moves. Look at that guide book before you post anything else like this because I lost mine, and it got thrown in the trash because pages were scattered all over the place and many of them were missing.


Hes has a point. Though the Mother does'nt pass on the ability.
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