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using legendaries


sharingan warrior
who here uses legendaries in there rescue i dont i think its just for space fillers


Well-Known Member
I use Rayquaza in my team often simply because I enjoy using that Pokémon. I also use Mewtwo and am starting to use Mew as well for level 1 dungeons.


Well-Known Member
I usually never use legendaries except for mew in level 1 dungeons such as wish cave. I think they are space fillers.
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Drifblim landing!
Agreed. I don't use legends because I hate big size Pokemon. The same reason I don't use anything like Gyrados, Onix, Wailord ect. I only use size 2 and below Pokemon (By Size 2 I'm referring to Mantine). My team is size 3/4 max. The only legends I'll use would be the Mew, The Regis and possibly Celebi or Jirachi. Might when I get it give Deoxys ago but ohwell.


<-- Solves any case!
I only use them in level 1 dungeons, because they are strong and really helpfull there. Of couse till I want a bigger challenge.


I wanted ketchup!!!
I use them all the time


ooo, what's cooking?
I don like to use them, they r much much weaker than my starter.
I kno this stratagy sucks badly, but i have a knack of increasing the lvl of my lead pokemon in pokemon games and owning everyhting with um only...so no, not unless u count mew in lvl1 dungeons...


AKA Snagger Outlaw
I HATE using legendaries. I only use Articuno for Fly and even then I rarely do. Seems like everyone's using Mew. Well not me, pal, I'm using creativity.


Well-Known Member
I HATE using legendaries. I only use Articuno for Fly and even then I rarely do. Seems like everyone's using Mew. Well not me, pal, I'm using creativity.

Wow, exacly what I was going to say.

I am aginst using ubers, even in PMD.


Well-Known Member
;243; ;382;

67% of my team are legendaries


the gangsta azuril
wish i had a celebii...


Well-Known Member
According to the Serebii.net Spin-Off Pokedex...

Size * legendary Pokemon
- Mewtwo
- Mew
- Raikou
- Entei
- Suicune
- Celebi
- Regirock
- Regice
- Registeel
- Latias
- Jirachi
- Deoxys

Size ** Legendary Pokemon
- Latios

Size **** Legendary Pokemon
- Articuno
- Zapdos
- Moltres
- Lugia
- Ho-Oh
- Kyogre
- Groudon
- Rayquaza


Better then you
I never use Legendaries. Anymore that is. I started a new game. Anyway even in level 1 dungeons I always use my starter. Wierd I know but I don't really like to switch pokemon.


Well-Known Member
You could say farewell to Rayquaza and you have a Level 77 Lugia with Aeroblast, you could fight Rayquaza again and you won't recruit it because it'll be 2 star sizes too many. and Lugia's Aeroblast would defeat Rayquaza.