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Values for Abilities and Natures


Lost but Seeking
Values for Abilities

I know how most of the hidden values for pokemon, such as IV's and EV's, work, but recently I've become interested in the values that determine a pokemon's ability.

Does anyone know anything about this value and, most especially, if there is any way at all to determine it ingame without looking at the actual coding?

I ask because I plan to train up some pokemon to transfer from my Emerald cartridge when D/P comes out, and although the system for determining IV's, EV's, and gender remains the same in the new game, new abilities have been added for some pokemon, so it would be possible for a pokemon from an old game to come up with a new abitlity upon transferring it.

So, basically, is there any way to predict if a pokemon in my Emerald version will undergo an ability change upon being transferred to Diamond/Pearl? Any help in that regard or just understanding the mechanics of this attribute in general would be much appreciated; I'm curious.
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Shiny Crobat

Well-Known Member
Are there new natures?


Lost but Seeking
Whoops, never mind, that was disproven. I'll stick to abilities, then.

Shiny Crobat

Well-Known Member
OK never mind