Are you offering all of those things for the 4 Pokemon and the Blazikenite?
Yeap, everything for those 4 pokemon and Blazikenite. What do you think?
Are you offering all of those things for the 4 Pokemon and the Blazikenite?
Yeap, everything for those 4 pokemon and Blazikenite. What do you think?
That sounds great!
That sounds lovely! EDIT: Also, I'm free to trade that this evening if you are
My friend code: 4742-6707-4176
Give me your friend code.
Also, tell me when you'll be online ^-^
What time this evening? I Won't be available after 6:30pm GMT-4 Probably untill 8:30 or 9.
I'd breed it for you for the Master Ball, unless any of those Pokemon are shiny. Do nature and IVs matter?
My FC is 5129-1087-8128; IGN is Varanus. I won't be online for another 6ish hours, most likely. Also, I have something I have to do tonight, so I'm not sure when I'll be back from that. I'll have to VM you.
Okay that should be alright! If nothing else PM or VM me and let me know thanks!
would anyone breed and ev train a volt tackle pikachu for me? i need it to have at least 150 speed and 100 attack by level 50. ability doesn't matter.
willing to trade legends and shinies.
I also have an shiny event pichu i would be willing to trade.
I just realized something when researching how to do that - you can only breed that Pikachu with Volt Tackle if you have the Light Ball, and it only works in Emerald. I thought you could do it on BW, but you can't. I might be able to get it from wild Pikachu in Emerald and breed it for you.... if I do it certainly won't have perfect IVs. I'll send you a VM later and let you know.
Just a quick correction: my Cottonee is perfect not flawless (31/x/31/31/31/31), and can I throw in a perfect Swirlix (or Espurr, if you prefer) for you to put 2 EMs on the Maractus I request? Spikes and Leech Seed.
So 3 Pokemons from me for 2 Pokemons from you .
That's seth_laugh's request, not mine. Just so it's all together, I'm interested in:
Female Dratini / Marvel Scale / Extremespeed
Jolly with good IVs preferred but not required.
Offering Master Ball in exchange at this point.
Any five IVs would be fine with me.Sorry. Just clicked the wrong box. I can get female Jolly Marvel Scale ESpeed Dratini with good IVs for you. How many IVs is "good"? Do you want a certain spread? Because I can get 5 IVs on it in no time, but it takes longer to get 31/x/31/31/31/31.
Any five IVs would be fine with me.
Hello, I'm interested in one of your HA Helioptile. I don't have anything special in the way of Pokémon, but I do have an Ability Capsule, Power Items, and some Rare Candies, if any of those are of interest to you.
If you just want a regular HA Helioptile with nothing special about it in the way of IVs or nature or egg moves, one Power Item would suffice
Yeah, I'm not looking for any IVs or anything. I can definitely do that though, is there one in particular you need?
The HP one would be nice! I can breed Helioptile for you tonight if you're available. And you have a Safari I need!