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Veneno Oscuridad

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Incendiary Revenant

You can't see me
I would like to join.

PO/PS Name?: Don't have one
Wi-Fi Friend Code?: 3DS code - 4184 - 2751 - 7703
Why you want to join?: To lend my assistance, have a good time with friends, and to help the guild succeed.
Number of badges of Serebii Leagues?: None yet
Battling Experience?: Three years of several wi-fi battles, and years of battles against NPC's and human players alike (before my first wi-fi battle) since Generation I.
Referrer?: MetalSonic


Orderan' Defendan'
I would like to join.

PO/PS Name?: Don't have one
Wi-Fi Friend Code?: 3DS code - 4184 - 2751 - 7703
Why you want to join?: To lend my assistance, have a good time with friends, and to help the guild succeed.
Number of badges of Serebii Leagues?: None yet
Battling Experience?: Three years of several wi-fi battles, and years of battles against NPC's and human players alike (before my first wi-fi battle) since Generation I.
Referrer?: MetalSonic

You sir are accepted. Enjoy it here!


I would like to join.

PO/PS Name?: Don't have one
Wi-Fi Friend Code?: 3DS code - 4184 - 2751 - 7703
Why you want to join?: To lend my assistance, have a good time with friends, and to help the guild succeed.
Number of badges of Serebii Leagues?: None yet
Battling Experience?: Three years of several wi-fi battles, and years of battles against NPC's and human players alike (before my first wi-fi battle) since Generation I.
Referrer?: MetalSonic

Hey welcome!
Have fun or I'll stalk you

Blackjack the Titan

It’s been a while
I would like to join.

PO/PS Name?: Don't have one
Wi-Fi Friend Code?: 3DS code - 4184 - 2751 - 7703
Why you want to join?: To lend my assistance, have a good time with friends, and to help the guild succeed.
Number of badges of Serebii Leagues?: None yet
Battling Experience?: Three years of several wi-fi battles, and years of battles against NPC's and human players alike (before my first wi-fi battle) since Generation I.
Referrer?: MetalSonic
Have fun!
Any more submissions for the CCAT?

Also, My Battles Today

Nasty Plot Thundurus Sweep

Some Hot Heatran Action

Moar Hot Heatran Action

When Nix tested me I used this team.
Both styles of Offense used lol but kept wrecking opponents with Special offense.


Definition of insanity
So i guess it's my turn to post replays. I got on today and decided to try my hand at one of my favorite things, randbats:

http://pokemonshowdown.com/replay/randombattle-129457043 While sweeps are fun, heart pounding down-to-the-wire matches are the ones that boost confidence and show I've still got it.

http://pokemonshowdown.com/replay/randombattle-129460331 Another down-to-the-wire match where I felt shouldn't have won. Either this entei is weak, or avalugg is just a monster.

http://pokemonshowdown.com/replay/randombattle-129459686 And lastly, just for lolz, a guy that seems inexperienced in randbats and ragequits once he sees that my throh runs rest.


Orderan' Defendan'

The newest tourney has been posted in the Tournaments Thread, last tourney winner has been updated on the front page, and all that cool stuff!

If you'd like to sign up for the Pacifistmons Tourney then do so with haste, ive updated the points so you can get a bunch!

EDIT: I have updated the points for Tournament related things a bit.

Winning a tourney battle is now 20 points instead of 30. My new system makes the latter amount kinda high so a 10 point difference should be fair.


I shall also be posting the Pokemon Giveaway on the morrow so do keep an eye out it'll be something to snatch if you understand the perils I went through to get it. ;w;



Last edited:



The newest tourney has been posted in the Tournaments Thread, last tourney winner has been updated on the front page, and all that cool stuff!

If you'd like to sign up for the Pacifistmons Tourney then do so with haste, ive updated the points so you can get a bunch!

I shall also be posting the Giveaway on the morrow so do keep an eye out it'll be something to snatch if you understand the perils I went through to get it. ;w;




Yes finally!
Time to go sign up :p

Conquer Phoenix

Falling Light
So it is time for anther tourney do well people

Ok the voting for botw will start this weekend and the results will be on Sunday there can only be 5 entries so if you have posted many logs on here please pick one and pm the long like I said only 5 entries


Well-Known Member
Oh God, Mega Sableye confirmed, regular Sableye is already enough of a pain.

Mega Metagross next Pls

Erron Black

The Outlaw
here's to hopin Mega-Sableye keeps Stall as its ability -w-

If that happens Meta, I will just beat you up.

I hope he gets Pure Power to reflect Mega Mawiles Huge Power. It would be very cool, but now that he seems more defensive than offensive he is probably keeping Prankster -w-

Blackjack the Titan

It’s been a while
Give it Ghost/Fairy typing with Wonder Guard.
Watch the metagame be filled with Bullet Punchers and Shadow Sneakers.

Anyway, giving everyone extra time to post CCAT submissions.
It's all Aegislash. Just Aegislash……


Rank?: Rank 4
Oppnents Serebii name?: Conquer Phoenix
Opponent's Rank?: Co-leader
Win or Lose?: Tie
Score?: 0-0
Your current point total? Not sure
How did u feel about it?: Don't know if I still get points because my greninja dieing to life orb recoil made us tie


Rank?: Peasant rank. (Noooob... >.>)
Oppnents Serebii name?: Conquer Phoenix
Opponent's Rank?: He's Nick rank. (Co-leader? idk)
Win or Lose?: Win
Score?: 1-0
Your current point total? It's 20 now....
How did u feel about it?: I still have a giant grin on my face. Was a good game, didn't expect to win.
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