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Venusaur,Meganium or Sceptile?

Who is better?

  • Venusaur

    Votes: 41 32.0%
  • Meganium

    Votes: 35 27.3%
  • Sceptile

    Votes: 52 40.6%

  • Total voters
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king krab kingler

Ok this is something I has thought about,which of the 3 grass starters' final evolution stages is the best?
I have decided to ask the people who know best...YOU!

Tropical Spirit

YAY! Original>You =3
I like Sceptile the best imo. It also PWNS with good sweeping stats and movepool, not to mention it makes a great seedstaller. :O

And his design is AWESOME! <3
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Allow me to continue the chain-post by saying Sceptile. I like it the most, and it's excellent at what it does. Meganium is the best of all nine Starters, no point denying that, but I just love Sceptile. So very versatile, can pull off a lot of movesets. It even gets a great Physical movepool XD. Sceptile's a tough foe to beat, mainly because you don't know exactly what you're up against when you see it. CBSceptile(XD), SubSeed, Special, Hax(XD x 6), there are so many ways to use it. Kind of like Gengar, really.

Venusaur's OK. It's not bad, per se, but other Pokémon do its job a lot better :(

The 8th Champion

John's Knight

Well-Known Member
HUm...tough choice. every one has its own atributes: meganium has a great defence/sp defence; venasaur has ....don'k know about venasaur, maybe staying power, i don't recall it and sceptile has a lot of choices, like Commander Blizzard said^. Still, i vote for sceptile!

Hyper Chibi Absol

The Dark Goddess
I picked Meganium 'cause it's the cutest.


Legendary Pokémon Coordinator
Venusaur rulz as he is the evolved form of my fav pokemon, Bulbasaur.


Back I guess??
venusaur..... balanced stats, but not very efective, also it´s type combination, that IMO is disgusting...
meganium, the things are better now, for me meganium is the 2nd best grass pokemon
if there is the 2nd best there is also THE best, that is IMO SCEPTILE!!!! fast sweper and also a good seedstaler (like meganium), it learns the best dragon move (unique among all the grass poké), the best grass move (IMO, that is leaf blade) and crunch (also the best dark attack unique among the grass pokémon)!!!
I think that´s all

king krab kingler

Hey thanks everybody for posting and voting to my poll!
I voted for sceptile aswell!


Venusaur or Sceptile...
Reason being Meganium has a very small movepool
HoundoomInferno said:
Venusaur or Sceptile...
Reason being Meganium has a very small movepool
What? ._.

Yhalothar one of the largest Grass Pokémon movepools and the decent Offense Stats to use them.

The 8th Champion


Fire boy
Meganium was always my favorite of the three. He's also my 2nd favorite starter pokemon next to Blastoise.
Rufinito18 said:
i like venasaur...cause sceptile doesnt learn good attacks untillater in the game
Remind me when Venusaur learns good Moves AT ALL.

The 8th Champion

Team Rocket Admin

Well-Known Member
Venusaur, and CB stop responding to every god damn post in every thread because people don't share the same idiotic views that you do.
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