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Venusaur vs Andrew_-_John

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Currently Playing B2
Basically me and lv.100 venusaur are battling it out 1v1 in anything to with art

TC coming soon​


Patience? Virtue?
errr, question, how is this relevent, and i don't understand the concept


Currently Playing B2
errr, question, how is this relevent, and i don't understand the concept

errr, we are having a competition .

we will post our creations and then ppl will rate them and then we will see who is the better artisit!


There are art battles?
Since when? Why was I not informed? I wanna battle someone in art.
Yeah. That'd be cool.
ok then go a head

Here my batte card


Currently Playing B2
heres mine

the badges are the wrong way around but , hey

and if i knew venusaur was going to a big one , i would too!

coment ppl
There is no real point to this nor had you bothered to ask anybody. If you're so desprete to compete against one another I'm sure you're quite capable of coming up with a solution that doesn;t involve a constantly bumped thread.


Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
ART BATTLE GET! Or not. For the loss, this D:

Both trainercards SUCK >> seriously. I've seen this style used coundless times, hell I've used it, but I've tried to be a bit more originl. Anyways, the HUMONGOUS trainercard is well, blah. You didn't try and revamp the sprites, you used as is, and well when placed against 3rd and 4th gen sprites, it comes out as 'I was made with little effort and time and little planning'. And also the fact it's overall boring?

The pokesho-sprite TCG is also bland. Been there, seen it, just missing the trainer sprite, and using Gengar twice? :/
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