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veteran to game, new to online...


Active Member
been studyin up on the game, and now i'm gonna try and go for a team that is more for the competitive area, anyways i would like help as this is my first post and would like help with movesets and what not, thnx guys

ne ways here it is...


want to get in good starter, but dont know who to put

Salamence- nature (+ atk -def)
item: Choice Specs
Hydro Pump
Draco Meteor

basic specsmence here, dont know what to put for the last attack though, haveing trouble deciding

Starmie- nature Modest
ability: natural cure
item: leftovers
Rapid Spin

my rapid spin/ gyarados counter, will need those spikes gone as most of my army dosen't do well with managing HP

Skarmory- nature (+sdef, - spattk)
item: ???

basic moveset here... thinking on going for leftovers for him, and i know that it's missing the stealth rock but i like the survivability/veratility of roost and drill peck

Rhyperior- nature adamant
ability: rock body
item: ???
Stone edge
Stealth rock

offensive, but awesome that it has defense too :) stealth rock helps along with being able to switch into dragon to do avalanche, chances are i go second ne ways

????? need help on last one too, can't decide on what would help my team more, defensive like blissey or another helper/ all around good movepool person

any help would be greatly appreciated

this basically thread to try and get me to use a pockemon u pick, make it a contest if u will, cuz it'll help me alot lol. thnx guys