As you all know, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories for the PSP (Playstation Portable) is to be released, today on Halloween. For long time fans of the Grand Theft Auto series and people who found Grand Theft Auto: Vice City to be one of the most successful in the series, this release will be quite the treat. Vice City Stories will serve as a Prequel to Vice City in that it will take place several years prior to the events of Vice City and will revolve around Lance Vance's brother, Victor Vance. Victor Vance was briefly seen and mentioned in Vice City. Victor Vance died during the opening scene of Vice City when a drug deal went bad. Lance Vance, however, played a major role in the events of Vice City and also met his timely demise at the hands of Tommy Vercetti.
Vice City Stories has a flat storyline involving Victor being kicked out of the navy. Victor, along with his brother then attempt to rise up to the top of the criminal empire in Vice City which will lead into the events of Vice City. As far as gameplay is concerned, it runs along the same format as Liberty City Stories, except with several tweaks for the better.
With that in mind and the (in my opinion) bland storylines, which one seems better? Which one ties in better with the proceeding game?
Vice City Stories has a flat storyline involving Victor being kicked out of the navy. Victor, along with his brother then attempt to rise up to the top of the criminal empire in Vice City which will lead into the events of Vice City. As far as gameplay is concerned, it runs along the same format as Liberty City Stories, except with several tweaks for the better. said:Improvements to the graphics since the release of Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories include new animations, faster load times, a further draw distance, reductions in clumping of pedestrians and vehicles, more complex explosions, and increases in the density of objects, vehicles, and NPCs.
With that in mind and the (in my opinion) bland storylines, which one seems better? Which one ties in better with the proceeding game?