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Viewtiful Joe #05 "Howdy, Partner" Review Thread

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Storm Trainer
Here is where you review the Kids WB Debut episode of Viewtiful Joe! HENSHIN-A-GO-GO, BABY!

Minus Side: Dee Bradley Baker isn't Joe, but Jason P. is close enough to him. Kinda good, though.

Brighter Side: The music is kept in there, especially the Opening Theme - Brighter Side! I LOVE that song!

Tauros Rider2

The debut was great except for having very little of Joe turning into his superhero form.

Soul Dew

I'm so glad they kept the original theme.

Silver Ryu

~Aqua Dragon~
Meh, it was OK. I mean, I've never played the games, but it's easy enough to understand. I guess I'll keep watching it. Could be good.

BTW, why the heck did they start with the FIFTH EPISODE?

Soul Dew

No Viewtiful Joe is dubbed by Geneon not 4Kids(thank God). If 4Kids dubbed it do you really think they would keep the original OP?


Storm Trainer
Well, maybe Geneon is gonna air the episodes that are most suitable on Kids WB, and once it starts on Toonami (if it starts on Toonami), It'll begin all the way from Episode 1!

Soul Dew

YoshiAngemon said:
Well, maybe Geneon is gonna air the episodes that are most suitable on Kids WB, and once it starts on Toonami (if it starts on Toonami), It'll begin all the way from Episode 1!
WHat I don't get is why not air on there to begin with. After all most of their animes are on there(That are not on DVD) like Samurai Champloo, Paranoia Agent, Cowboy Bebop and some other one.
Soul Dew said:
No Viewtiful Joe is dubbed by Geneon not 4Kids(thank God). If 4Kids dubbed it do you really think they would keep the original OP?
Mybad, that was my stupid mistake. I heard somewhere that the Viewtiful Joe was dubbed by 4Kids by a friend, so it was more of his mistake than mine I guess.
Soul Dew said:
WHat I don't get is why not air on there to begin with. After all most of their animes are on there(That are not on DVD) like Samurai Champloo, Paranoia Agent, Cowboy Bebop and some other one.
s.CRY.ed. they dubbed that too.
I didnt watch this show, but is it anyhting like the games?> ifso i might consider watching it

Soul Dew

WanderingRhythmicalPhoenix said:
s.CRY.ed. they dubbed that too.
I didnt watch this show, but is it anyhting like the games?> ifso i might consider watching it
It's very very accurate to the games. Infact it uses the same art style but in 2D.


Frustrated Elf
*sigh* Why does everyone assume that every kids' anime on TV is dubbed by 4Kids nowadays? "4Kids edited out the hand-stabbing scene in Naruto." "4Kids skipped the first four episodes of Viewtiful Joe." "4Kids added underwear on Zatch in Zatch Bell." Honestly, people, learn who dubs what before making comments like that.

Silver Ryu said:
BTW, why the heck did they start with the FIFTH EPISODE?

Probably to skip ahead to Captain Blue Jr., because Kids' WB! thinks that kids will only watch shows with kids in it.

Soul Dew said:
WHat I don't get is why not air on there to begin with. After all most of their animes are on there(That are not on DVD) like Samurai Champloo, Paranoia Agent, Cowboy Bebop and some other one.

Because Viewtiful Joe has a better chance of getting high ratings on Kids' WB! than it does on Toonami.
Soul Dew said:
WHat I don't get is why not air on there to begin with. After all most of their animes are on there(That are not on DVD) like Samurai Champloo, Paranoia Agent, Cowboy Bebop and some other one.
Cowboy Bebop was licensed by Bandai, not Geneon. However, they're both pretty much the same to me in terms of the recording studios they use and the quality of their releases.

WanderingRhythmicalPhoenix said:
s.CRY.ed. they dubbed that too.
I didnt watch this show, but is it anyhting like the games?> ifso i might consider watching it
You're confusing licensing companies with recording studios. Also, Viewtiful Joe and s.CRY.ed weren't licensed by the same company. Geneon has the license to distribute Viewtiful Joe in North America while phuuz entertainment handles the recording of the dub. s.CRY.ed was licensed by Bandai and the dub was recorded by Bang Zoom! Entertainment.

Anyways, I missed this episode but it seems like Geneon has done the right things so far in terms of pleasing the fans. I wonder how well Viewtiful Joe did in terms of ratings? If it's good, then I see a dim future ahead for 4Kids.

Soul Dew

Dark future not dim.

Solar Crimson

A Crimson Tide
I had a feeling that they skipped episodes when I saw this. That brief introduction at the beginning was kind of iffy in my opinion.

It was okay, though. I can't wait to see Alastor.
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