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Virtual reality

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elite trainer
intro 2
episode 1: a bad start
if you want, create a character, it would have to include their name, age, sprite (you don't need the little ones but it would help if you used them in that), their personality and their pokemon, also a job, I think there was someone else with this idea but I forgot who, the best characters I see I will include in the story.
this is ;158; hoping you a nice read. ;158; <enjoy
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elite trainer
the new issue I made just a few hours after the first, it is good (I hope), and also the guy who walked into Jimmy's room after he got transfered was his brother, Jack, He will appear later in the story. here is ;munchlax; saying goodbye: ;munchlax; <goodbye



I hope he can be in :)
(Pokemon Magician is like an normal trainer but he only uses pokemon with ghost and psy attacks (but he got an Fearow) )


elite trainer

I can make your character ho-no but due to my plans of what is going to happen, and the lack of reply's, and the fact I can't get any fake sprites (for some reason), he has to be Virdian Gym leader (dramatic music) you can take it great, or hate it, but you will probably like this.
just changing the subject, when I said Jack will appear later in the story, I mean he will appear occaishonly, and as a spoiler, Jack will appear in episode 1, maybe too much of a spoiler? eh, I don't care if you think that.
now here is ;424; saying goodbye, ;424; <goodbye
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elite trainer
new episode

the new issue I just made, I just noticed it's pretty late, I need to go to bed, but at the last few panels when there is a big brown thing in the middle of the picture that is the remains of the lab, so if you ask me about that I won't answer back.
this is ;376; saying goodbye. ;376; <goodbye


elite trainer
one of my links were wrong, I have fixed that, this new issue is completely different style to the rest, and also this is my first time with sprites


<- so cute <3
good idea to have being sucked into gameboy rather than usual boring plot line
please can i be in it
Id like to be a random annyoing person who keeps coming in and shouting:
"HA HA! Can you beat my Level 100 Jirachi!" then the character says "No thanks, i dont want to battle," then leaves
And my person keeps coming back begging for battle but then....
it turns out he doesnt have a level 1000 jirachi but a level 2 jirachi!

keep making these!
Rybo5000 ;385;


Oh noes, toast =O
I don't care what you think, anyway that episode 1 humour was a 1 shot thing to figure out if it would make my story any better, I now know for sure, my comedy is ****, I will still show some light (if thats what you would like to call it) violent comedy every once in a while to put it at my liking, and I cant be bothered to make new colours (I might later in the story though), so, for the love of god, STOP MAKING THESE GOD DAMN DEPRESSING REMARKS, DOESN'T ANYBODY LIKE MY STORYLINE, I COPYED THESE SPRITES FROM THE ACTUAL GAME, AND Z- ISN'T A GRADE, THE LOWEST IS F!!! **** YOU, your name is right, your the most desperate ******* for attention I've ever seen. Don't reply to this message. this is ;295; saying **** off. ;295; <**** off.

Well done, you've just proven what an immature person you are, I'm reporting you as soon as I';ve typed up my review.

Basically, the idea of the Gameboy wasn't too bad, bar the fact it looked nothing like a Gameboy, nothing about your comic is visually pleasing and the jokes are pretty boring, especially the GTA one.

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
Tom is pretty on the dot about this comic- it isn't pleasing to read or look at, and a pain to load with imageshack trying to send me 15 pop ups ;/


good idea to have being sucked into gameboy rather than usual boring plot line

The 'person sucked into gameboy game/show/series/movie/etcandsoforth' for ANYTHING has been done so much, it is now a blooming zombie. There is nothing new, original or neat about that story line. It is now the 'USUAL' story line for some people :/
They have been warned and a ban will be issued if this happens again, there is absolutely no excuse for this behavior.

The offending posts will be deleted but kept should further enquiries be needed.



elite trainer
rybo 5000, as I see that she/he's banned, I will aveange her/him by making his/her character, maybe not aveanging, just trying to add something I like, and also I'm sorry for that immature message I put up, why am I putting this now? I will never know, but anyway I only put up that message because my-day-was-crap, I had a real bad day and I woke up at 4 am and had lots of annoying things happen to me, I've sent an apology letter to Zephyr flare, also telling why/how my day got so bad, and also, for some people, please send more Idea's, the next boy idea I will have special ideas for, and don't think I'm bribing you to accept my apology, but please do accept that, and also yami ryu, tell me one story line where some guy has been sucked into a show or video game, the only time I've seen that was on Dexters lab when I was 6, so other than that, tell me one, (and also I copyed that GTA joke off one of my brothers movies) and I'm sorry for the ads, I don't know why those keep coming, it comes on my computer 24/7 so please forgive my errors (I don't get ICT).
this is ;036; apologising. ;036; <sorry


Oh noes, toast =O
But it's irrelevent if your day was crap, you haven;t gotta flame people online cuz of it =/

And why are you asking us for ideas? To make even a decent comic you generally need your own plot.


Are we supposed to feel bad for you? Should we all hold a candle light vigil outside your home, and sing hymns to god for your salvation from your crappy day?
This is the internet. This is a place where nobody (let's face it) cares. See, with a comic comes a certain amount of quality one is supposed to expect. First of all, using Paint doesn't make you unique. This is especially true when one doesn't bother to make custom colors, or at least try to shade a little. I also appreciate at least an attempt at an understandable plot.
Work on this. It's not looking good, to say the least.

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
and also yami ryu, tell me one story line where some guy has been sucked into a show or video game, the only time I've seen that was on Dexters lab when I was 6, so

It's Yami Ryu. And lets see, many lord of the ring fics, including one getting sucked into a tv for the movie version. A person writing a Gold/Silver fic, and then getting sucked into Silver, and seeing Lugia, like, omgz Ash, someone having the anime characters spewed out into real life.... you get my drift? ~_~ what you have done is very over done and cliche.


elite trainer
Clockworkz and the rest of you for that matter. I do not want your sympathy about my crappy day, i was merely offering an explanation for my actions which you deemed immature. I offered apologies because you all seemed to be very offended about my somewhat meagre actions. I believe in free speech and especially on the internet, i anticipated a negative reaction from the more sensitive of you and thats why i comprised and used astericks to cover my swear words.


Beginning Trainer
So what? You swear online, even if it is covered by asterisks (which would happen anyway), you are going to get in trouble, be considerate as there are some young people on these forums. Free speech? So what. Just take into account that some people do not want to read your complaining. Also, a quick tip, don't stretch your comic out of proportion, because it doesn't look good at all, it looks like it was knocked up in a couple of minutes with the worst paint engine possible.


Rockman Fanatic
White space crappy backgrounds. recolors. free speech isn't what you think. it doesn't mean you can say what you want when you want where you want. It means you can speak out agianst stuff like who's president. Also being mean because you have had a bad day is immature. Only 5 year olds do that so you can't argue there. Covering up swear words with this * is still swearing. It just means your to immature to control yourself.
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