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Well-Known Member
Ok,I have been having great trouble with finding a Volbeat in Emerald.When completing dex in sapphire I had found like 7 of them.But now I just can't.My question is,is there some special way for finding it,like Bagon(you have to search at a certain part)?I've been searching for 1 month and nothing.Please help!


echospace obsessive
Volbeat is really rare.Im assuming youve got Illusime well take her and breed with a ditto the egg will be either a volbeat or illusime.


Well-Known Member
Volbeat is really rare.Im assuming youve got Illusime well take her and breed with a ditto the egg will be either a volbeat or illusime.

I don't think that it will work,illumise is not related to volbeat(except loo,k and dex entry)
anyway,It doesn't hurt to give it a try


Toon link
yes it does work but volbeat is usally near illusiume in the patch of grass


Beginning Trainer
Volbeat is rare in Ruby and Emerald, while Illumise is common. In Sapphire, Illumise is the rare one while Volbeat appears surprisingly often.

Anyway, Volbeat and Illumise can not evolve into each other, but if you breed either with a Ditto, the offspring can turn out both ways. So yes, they're related.

Dark Aerodactyl

i am not a spammer
do you need a bagon?: go to part of earth when is tm2 dragon claw. there you can get bagon, but it is no so common.