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vs mewtwo


if your stuck on mewtwo use chansey and omastar, rentaled, omaster will poison mewtwo and chansey can keep using seismic toss, mewtwo's attacks do little damage to it.

also try alakasam and other strong ones.
if your stuck on mewtwo use chansey and omastar, rentaled, omaster will poison mewtwo and chansey can keep using seismic toss, mewtwo's attacks do little damage to it.

also try alakasam and other strong ones.

Than quit playing.
said the person who talked to himself

No, said the Pokemon Champion who is telling anyone having problems with Mewtwo after about 8 years that it is time to just quit playing.


whats wrong with talking to yourself? everyone does at one point.

did you need to make a thread about this? did you have a biological urge to make a thread about fighting mewtwo? no? yes? maybe? really? oh? cool.

Light Venusaur

Konoha's FMA Ninja
I always used:
Jolteon's Pin Missile
Or any ghost-type move.
But I stopped playing this when No.2 & Collo's 1 & 2 came out.
why must people spam up my topics? do you people have ocd?

I didn't spam, I gave the truth, time to give up the game at this point in time.


Well-Known Member
This is a pokemon forum, it's bound to happen.

leave the guy alone he was giving generally good advice.


ThE FalLeN AnGeL
i used the rental snorlax, he beat him both times with v.little prob at all


Shine Now!
Or.. you could just use a strong physical attacker like snorlax(the guy the person used against the Mewtwo) since Mewtwo doesn't have good defence.


Furret rocks
It'd be useful... If I hadn't already done it several years ago...


Well-Known Member
mewtiwo is a pecice of cake


Officially The Worst
What the hell is wrng with giving help to people? Perhaps somebody has decided to play the game for the first time because the game is verrry cheap now and they felt like a bit of retro gaming? Or perhaps they found it in a box in the attic and just wanted to play it like old times? Seriously get over yourselves he was just being nice.

I always find tanks to be the best against mewtwo. Snorlax kicks severe butt IMO