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Vs.Seeker v/s PokeNav

Vs.Seeker or the PokeNav's Match Call

  • Vs.Seeker

    Votes: 58 82.9%
  • PokeNav

    Votes: 12 17.1%

  • Total voters
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Does anyone train there pokemon by using the V/S Seeker? In my Emerald game i have to train my pokemon by battling wild pokemon. The pokenav's Match Call takes way too long to work, and forces me to fight wild Pokemon.
but in my Firered/ Leafgreen game I use the Vs.Seeker, get more EXP. and gain money. Is the Match Call easier for anyone else?


Well-Known Member
I look at the trainer list and see the people who want a rematch. I never run out of battles but with VS seeker you have to walk to charge it so I voted for PokeNav


< That's me! Hello!
Vs. Seeker takes much less time and therefore, one of the best ways to train a pokemon, and a plus is that the trainers you rebattle get stronger with every encounter up to a certain limit. A very fine way to train.


I'm Back
VS Seeker.


Well-Known Member
VS Seeker is so much better. you get to choose who you fight and you can take advantage of it to earn huge exp. and lots of money (i.e. resort gorgeous ladies). the charge is no big deal since it only takes a short time.


Dazzled By The Roses
i'll pick vs seeker coz easy t use and doesn't hav to wait for long time to use it. and it's probally the most easy way to earn money and exp.


vicious opportunist
The VS Seeker was an endlessly better way of finding rematches. While you have to run up and down a route like a moron to get someone's attention with the Pokenav, you could run a few laps around a house and request a rematch on the spot with the VS Seeker.

Also, phone calls annoy me to death when I'm hatching eggs.

Edit: Now that I think about it, Emerald would be perfect had Gamefreak included the VS Seeker. I guess the nav is handy for contests, but the seeker could atleast have been an option.
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i voted the seeker. i think they woulda put it in emerald (they did put it in DP) but that would go against r/s


Why couldn't Emerald be different to r/s? It's sorta the same.....

i think you just contradicted yourself. anyway, emerald is a remake of rs, so they cant really change that.

top 8 guy

you never know they could........ they could do something like that in d/p=r/s and then they make some new game maybe opal idk opal=emerald, they could change it make it different to d/p you never know......


you never know they could........ they could do something like that in d/p=r/s and then they make some new game maybe opal idk opal=emerald, they could change it make it different to d/p you never know......
Hee, well its too late for that now. But I still like the Match Call but i always battle trainers that i don't want to. But the Vs. Seeker gives me a choice so i like it more
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Walking Contradiction

Feed Us a Fetus
VS Seeker ftw.
You get to choose which trainers you want to battle. And 100 steps loading time is not that bad, it only takes about 20 seconds (or less, idk) with a bike.
VS seeker is much better, but I somewhat like Match Call better in the wa you get to rebattle gym leaders with it


Natsu no Maboroshi
Vs Seeker is fun. I like kicking some trainer *****


Bullet Punch
Vs seeker is easier. Pokénav is cooler though. It's more modern and trendy, with the map and all that included.

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