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Wal-Mart Bonus Boxes?

Apparently my Wal-Mart was selling these boxes with 4 packs in them, one of those deck tins with the two packs and stickers, and a Celebi EX(holo) from POP 2, anyone know about this?

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
Nope, the only gift sets I've heard about more recently are the two that Target is selling. Information on that one here.

Have you been to check the Walmart?
It just came in today, there was about 5 of them and it was selling for $19.99

Emerald 2006

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I got it. That's awesome! a lot of packs. I got a holofoil #15 Raichu from EX Holon Phantoms. My second promo was a holofoil Mudkip.

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
Hmm. No, not heard of that. Anything else you can say about the gift boxes, i.e. did it show the booster packs or cards included in them?

Emerald 2006

Well-Known Member
No, you only saw the Celebi ex. That was good enough for me! It has most of the modern packs, Holon Phantoms, Crystal Guardians and Dragon Frontiers.
I also remember seeing a Fire Red/Leaf Green.
And 2 EX Legend Makers. That was all of them.
You get a pretty good chance at finding holofoils with 6 packs!
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Emerald 2006

Well-Known Member
It seems like each of the Bonus boxes have differn't promos. The Celebi ex you know is in there, but the second promo is a differn't story for each box, maybe. Who knows?
If you mean the deck tins, they can have Torchic, Treecko, Whismur, or Mudkip

Emerald 2006

Well-Known Member
Oh, I didn't know that. Good to know. Thanks.


Loving Longnecks
My little brother got it and he got a tropius promo holofoil he got villeplume and regiice