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Wallet cards


Powerplay Champion
A popular practice in my town...
me and my friend carry random cards in our wallets... sometimes with a reason
i have a zapdos, a pikachu, and a cubone.
the pikachu and cubone remind me of the fight where pikachu beat cubone with a leer...
first time i realized that the show was not the place to get advice for the game...
and zapdos...
well just cause i think the card looked pretty badass.

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
And the point of this is?


[Old-School TCGer.]
I keep an Aerodactyl card in my Pocket. Just normal Fossil, though.

The reason why? It's scrawled on and signed by my girlfriend. <3

Mew King

It's black magic!
I used to carry around an Ancient Mew card in my pocket as my calling card. I knew people working in the theaters and I got about 100 of them. I used to toss them at people that I hated