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Wanna be mates?

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hi, i'm new, even though i joined a Couple of onths ago,this is my first time on and im lonely, so anyone wanna be my friend?


You can not make topic asking fro friends. Pm some one that you think would make a good friend.


actually fatman , you posted in someone's thread saying you would be there mate, and you didnt have a go at them for it you plonker.


Ya But then a mod came in and said you can't do that. And Im not having a go at you in just letting you know.

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
RaZoR LeAf said:
Make friends the same way everyone else does. By posting alongside people with the same interests as you. These are forums where you interact with people. You don't simply say "i'l be your friend" and expect to be instant best buddies with everything in common. Anyway, these topics aren't allowed since they are nothing but people saying "I will".

Since this is also your welcome thread it can stay open for now.


He's saying hi, and there's nothing wrong with wanting friends. Anywhoo, this is indigestable wad. He's smart but likes disagreeing with me.


Well-Known Member
hello,and pm me if you need help or want a friend.
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I love Dara <3
hamha ^^ pm me if you need help or want to be friends ^^


conjon321 said:
hi, i'm new, even though i joined a Couple of onths ago,this is my first time on and im lonely, so anyone wanna be my friend?
Welcome to SPPf and have fun posting. Read the rules while you're at it.


This thread should be closed because the guy who made it got banned!



Wolf Goddess

~Lupo Di Autunno~
bribri93 said:
This thread should be closed because the guy who made it got banned!

You posted in a thread that hasn't been posted in for two weeks, just to ask for it to be closed.


Why does God hate me?

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