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Want shiny legit Beldum (or evos)


Team Gracidea <3
I have these to offer:
Shiny Oddish
Shiny Zigzagoon
Shiny Poochyena
Shiny Medicham
Shiny Riolu (hacked. )
Deoxys (Birth Island)
Wishmkr Jirachi
others (ask)
Lucky Eggs
Master Balls


Some guy
um i have a shiny adamant metang..
what level and nature are oddish and zigzagoon, and are the english/nicknamed?


Team Gracidea <3
Oddish - 13 and Lax
Zigzagoon - 3 and Serious

English - yes, nicknamed - no


Team Gracidea <3
I'd prefer 1-for-1 as there's less risk of rip-off there, but if I have too then I'll do 2-for-1.


New Member
i have a shiny beldum im willing to trade... is ur riolu badly hacked?otherwise ill trade for shiny zigzagoon holding lucky egg...


Team Gracidea <3
Riolu is Lv8 and met on 204 (as in caught there so yeah hacked). Nothing too bad but I put that up for people who want legits so they now that this isn't legit so they're prepared.

otherside - ok.


Team Gracidea <3
The Beldums ARE legit right?XD.


Some guy
recieved it in a trade. it looks quite legit. apparently it was EV trained, but im not sure for what EVs :\. im guessing attack is maxed out, at least.


Team Gracidea <3
What lvl is the Beldum?


Team Gracidea <3
Zigzagoon is lvl3


Team Gracidea <3
I'll trade for it I don't care about EVs (I don't understand them anywayss.....XD).


New Member
ummm what other pokemon do u have... do u have a perfect nature dusknoir( calm careful or sassy) or an adamant tyranitar??


Team Gracidea <3
Sorry, my Dusknoir is Serious.
Jono: Ok. Kind of funny that you price the unevolved higher than the evolved one.xD