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Want some TMs!


Well-Known Member
You heard me! I want TMs!

I want the following TMs...

TM 26
TM 02
TM 71
TM 68
TM 29
TM 40
TM 70

I have...
Infernape lvl 51/2/3, Solar Beam, Sunny Day, Close Combat, Flame Wheel
Yanmega lvl 35, Something with ancient power
Newborn Piplups lvl 1, Pound, Hidden Power, Rain Dance, Possibly Ice Beam
Newborn Squirtles lvl 1, Tackle, Water Gun
Newborn Turtwigs lvl 1, Tackle, ????
Newborn Eevees lvl 1, ???, ???

And that's it! So offer away!


Active Member
what will you give for tm29


Active Member
ill give you tm29 and tm40 for infernape

edit:- actually no i wont, ill give you tm29 for the piplup, or squirtle
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