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WANTED: Hippopotas, Shieldon, Houndour, Skorupi, Glameow!


Will do backflip for them.

Or Trade Pokemon!

Watchoo want for 'em?



Dragon trainer
I have a houndour, what do you have


Dont know. Got a spare Carnivine (decent stats, male, brave, untouched), Moukazaru (brave male good ivs), awesome roserade, floatzel, stunky etc.

Bronzor with most awesome IVs you will ever see, level 19, Quiet nature


STS Trainer
Dont know. Got a spare Carnivine (decent stats, male, brave, untouched), Moukazaru (brave male good ivs), awesome roserade, floatzel, stunky etc.

Bronzor with most awesome IVs you will ever see, level 19, Quiet nature

Glameow for roserade then?


Dragon trainer
i wouldn't mind the bronzer, the houndour is lvl1 male, Hardy,


Dragon trainer
Meeth, whats the IVs?

I don't know, i'm don't get the IVs yet but i don't think there that good.

This is its stats

HP: 12
Atk: 6
Def: 5
sp.Atk: 6
sp.DEf: 6
Speed: 6


leafblade = deal. whats your friend code?

The one in my sig is an old file.