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Wanted Shinies

Saru King

Fight Fire with Fire
Do anyone the following shinies on my signature?

Saru King

Fight Fire with Fire
The shinies I have is... Golbat and Charmander.
Tomorrow, Dratini, Larvitar, Bagon, Treecko, Shuckle, Noctowl and Sneasel.

Saru King

Fight Fire with Fire
Well... someone is suppose to be trading me an Charmander right now.
But, I did hatch two shinies.
Let me check on my Emerald


God of Thunder
I've got Rotom and Riolu. I know you don't have it yet, but would you consider trading the Shuckle for either/both?

Saru King

Fight Fire with Fire
Ma Navu: I have Shuckle.
Sukimoro~chan: I'll tell you in a min.
Ice & Dark: Careful

Saru King

Fight Fire with Fire
Would you trade it for either or both of the Pokemon I offered?

If that's okay. But, unless you don't have another Pokémon in mind.
Don't get me wrong, I HAVE TWO hands. lol

Sorry Sukimaro~chan...
She knows...
- Screech
- Faint Attack
- Fury Swipes
- Agility
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God of Thunder
If that's okay. But, unless you don't have another Pokémon in mind.
Don't get me wrong, I HAVE TWO hands. lol

Well, since I don't know what else you'd want, would you mind checking my thread (it's in my sig) for others you might like?

Saru King

Fight Fire with Fire
Well, since I don't know what else you'd want, would you mind checking my thread (it's in my sig) for others you might like?

Hold on... hold on...
I'm trading: Shuckle
Your trading: Riolu [I got Rotom]

So... keep it like that? Cause I really like that *;390;*.