Welcome to my trade thread! You don't have to post. But, you must look! LOL, you don't have to do either.
Don't spam.
Don't beg me for something.
To make sure you read the rules, type: Ooh, I want some of these! I also read the rules. I want it in bold to. [Ban if broken] EDITING WON'T WORK!
Don't change your mind if we're already trading. If I want a tradeback, that means the Pokemon is hacked.
Banned list:
POKEMANIACOFTHEYEARPIPLUP: Abused me and my Pokémon. [Perma ban]
SenjiMakoto: Didn't read rules. [1 day ban]
GreenAiden555: Didn't read the rules [1 day ban]
torisinlove: Didn't read the rules [1 day ban]
Watermaniac: Do I really have to say it? Didn't read the rules [2 day ban]
1 - Untrained Baby Pokemon
1a - Unhatched Eggs
2 - Unowns
3 - Shinys
4 - Legends
5 - Looking for
PM me for one that your looking for if you cant find it here!
Gender Pokemon (Nickname) Nature Item
Female Gible Bold
Male Eevee Bashful
Male Dratini Sassy
Male Gible Timid
Beldum Rash
Male Treecko Serious
Male Mudkip Serious
Male Treecko Impish
Female Treecko Quiet
Phione Docile
Male Torchic Relaxed
Male Treecko Lonely
Male Mudkip Naive
Male Treecko Rash
Male Torchic Docile
Male Charmander Brave
Female Charmander Bold
Male Treecko Calm
Female Squirtle Calm
Male Chimchar Lax
Male Piplup Lax
39 Eggs!
Unown Lax
Unown Quirky
Unown Calm
Unown Naive
Unown Serious
Unown Timid
Unown Hardy
Unown Hardy
Unown Hasty
Unown Naughty
Unown Naughty
Unown Lonely
Unown Modest
Unown Jolly
Unown Bashful
Unown Bold
Shiny Groudon Gentle Leftovers
PKRS Shiny Regice Bold
Azelf Quirky Leftovers
Uxie Quiet
Rotom Calm
Groudon Naughty
Groudon Naughty
Mesprit Gentle
PKRS Female Cresselia Adamant Leftovers
PKRS Mewtwo Timid
PKRS Giratina Hardy
Deoxys Quirky
PKRS Deoxys Quiet Damp Rock
JAP PKRS Deoxys Rash
Male Heatran Jolly
PKRS Lugia Modest Damp Rock
PKRS Ho-Oh Bold
Regigigas Bashful
PKRS Regirock Quiet
PKRS Registeel (Fondeu Pot) Rash
Nothing right now. Just offer
Don't spam.
Don't beg me for something.
To make sure you read the rules, type: Ooh, I want some of these! I also read the rules. I want it in bold to. [Ban if broken] EDITING WON'T WORK!
Don't change your mind if we're already trading. If I want a tradeback, that means the Pokemon is hacked.
Banned list:
POKEMANIACOFTHEYEARPIPLUP: Abused me and my Pokémon. [Perma ban]
SenjiMakoto: Didn't read rules. [1 day ban]
GreenAiden555: Didn't read the rules [1 day ban]
torisinlove: Didn't read the rules [1 day ban]
Watermaniac: Do I really have to say it? Didn't read the rules [2 day ban]
1 - Untrained Baby Pokemon
1a - Unhatched Eggs
2 - Unowns
3 - Shinys
4 - Legends
5 - Looking for
PM me for one that your looking for if you cant find it here!
Gender Pokemon (Nickname) Nature Item
Female Gible Bold
Male Eevee Bashful
Male Dratini Sassy
Male Gible Timid
Beldum Rash
Male Treecko Serious
Male Mudkip Serious
Male Treecko Impish
Female Treecko Quiet
Phione Docile
Male Torchic Relaxed
Male Treecko Lonely
Male Mudkip Naive
Male Treecko Rash
Male Torchic Docile
Male Charmander Brave
Female Charmander Bold
Male Treecko Calm
Female Squirtle Calm
Male Chimchar Lax
Male Piplup Lax
39 Eggs!
Unown Lax
Unown Quirky
Unown Calm
Unown Naive
Unown Serious
Unown Timid
Unown Hardy
Unown Hardy
Unown Hasty
Unown Naughty
Unown Naughty
Unown Lonely
Unown Modest
Unown Jolly
Unown Bashful
Unown Bold
Shiny Groudon Gentle Leftovers
PKRS Shiny Regice Bold
Azelf Quirky Leftovers
Uxie Quiet
Rotom Calm
Groudon Naughty
Groudon Naughty
Mesprit Gentle
PKRS Female Cresselia Adamant Leftovers
PKRS Mewtwo Timid
PKRS Giratina Hardy
Deoxys Quirky
PKRS Deoxys Quiet Damp Rock
JAP PKRS Deoxys Rash
Male Heatran Jolly
PKRS Lugia Modest Damp Rock
PKRS Ho-Oh Bold
Regigigas Bashful
PKRS Regirock Quiet
PKRS Registeel (Fondeu Pot) Rash
Nothing right now. Just offer
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