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Warning: Side Effects May Include Druling And Becoming Hyper


God of Fusions
Hi guys, I bet the name caught your attention, but it's true.

This is my first trainer morph and I bet there is isn't a guy who doesn't like it:


Please tell me how it is.


Legendary Pokémon Coordinator
Right. btw, druling is spelled drooling.
The wings dont look attached to the girl especially the one on the left side. Its pretty simple, and it looks just like a cut-and-paste job.


One wings' attached to the arm, the other under the arm. It's too bland, and it looks sloppy.


No avatard plz

That is great. I don't know how to do those. Look under my sig. that's the only thing I did.


The shading on the right wing doesn't match the rest of the body. The light source is coming from the left so the right wing should be shaded. Also the body is at an angle, the right part of the left wing should be shaded. But your recoloring is good though.


Oddish plzkthnxbai
I'm a guy, yet I'm not getting some weird orgasm from it.

All you did was add on Ho-oh's wings, you didn't even reshade them to match the light source. I really don't like it.


Staff member
It doesn't look like a trainer morph, it looks like a girl with wings and a tail. Like the others said, it's not even connected very well. If you actually intended to make it a trainer morph, try recoloring the parts, and gibing it more features.


Kauser il più grande
One wings' attached to the arm, the other under the arm. It's too bland, and it looks sloppy.
The shading on the right wing doesn't match the rest of the body. The light source is coming from the left so the right wing should be shaded. Also the body is at an angle, the right part of the left wing should be shaded. But your recoloring is good though.

These are true. >.<

I'm a guy, and this is... Not appealing.
Also, I don't fall in love with sprites. :mad:
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The color combonation is nice but the wings dont look like they are attached to the girl nether the tail.

;003;Dark Venusaur;003;