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Warrios & Horus

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Pittsburgh Pirates 7th Super Bowl
Hello. I think I've created a good competitive deck by using the warrior structure deck. Tell me what you think of it.

Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys
Gilford the Legend
Gearfried the swordsmaster
Mystic swordsman LV6
Horus the black flame dragon LV6
Horus the black flame dragon LV8
Hand of Nephthys x2
Mystic swordsman LV2 & 4
V-tiger jet
W-wing catapult
Gearfried the iron knight x2
Elemental hero wildheart
Ninja Garndmaster Sasuke
Exiled force
D.D. Warrior Lady
Command knight
Marauding Captain x2
Armed ninja

Fusion deck:VW-tiger catapult

Fusion Sword Murasame Blade
The warrior returning alive
Dragonic Attack
Nobleman of crossout
Release Restraint
Mystical space typhoon
Lightning blade
Book of Moon
Divine Sword- Phoenix blade
Reinforcement of army x2
Wicked-Breaking Flamberge-Baou
Fairy of the spring
Lightning vortext

Royal decree
Spiritual Earth art- Kurogane
Magic jammer
Blast with chain
Call of the haunted.


or nephthys for another theme. I can make good decks for those.
Horus, warrior, and VWXYZ?


just stick with 1-2 themes...
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