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Water Pokemon


Emerald Trainer
What WATER Pokemon Shall I Choose On Emerald?

I Was Thinking maby Gyarados but any other ideas?


Starmie! An amazing sweeper


I'm Back
;260; Swampert is a good Water Type. It is a dual Ground, so Electric can't affect it.


Gen 6 = <3
Most of the pokemon people have mentioned all have great potential such as Starmie, Milotic, Ludicolo, Kingdra, Gyarados and Swampert. I prefer swampert though due t its great dual typing and resistances. Although it does have a horrible 4x weakness to grass but thats avoidable enough by switching. If you would prefer to use one of the others people have suggested go ahead becasue its all up to your opinion and the other choices have great potential also.
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<-- Solves any case!
Ludicolo it's a great tank/staller


The new tuxedo look!
Use kingdra, it looks cool and it's typing helps a lot.
Teach it ice beam and any dragon that comes against it is screwed.


Active Member
actully first you need to catch Feebas before you get a milotic and to evolve a milotic you need to full its beaty stats and its hard
my feebas hasn't even evolve yet!
but milotic is actually good


Active Member
have you beaten the Elite four in your emerald?
if you did then have you beaten the elite four in your leaf green or firered?
if you did then you might to trade blastoise if you chose as a starter to your emerald thats a good one.
then get lapras from your FR/LF thats a good water/ice type poke
thats all my suggestion
PM me if it is good!


<-- Solves any case!
Cursing swampert
Milotic with mirrocoat icebeam surf and recover or milotic with rest sleeptalk

They are the best I can think of now, there are more. Depending on how you use them.


Well-Known Member
Milotic or Lapras, Great defences, Good HP, Good Special Attack, And Ice Beam.
You can Even BoltBeam with lapras,


Natsu no Maboroshi
Mirokarosu is good if you want something more defensive. Sakurabisu is good too, but I'd with Rabukasu LOL (The last one is a joke)


Starmie! I'll say it again, Starmie! Recover,Ice Beam,Thunderbolt,Surf