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Water Trainer13's TC shop

water trainer13

Water Master
ok every one knows what to do

Trainer sprite:
pkmn next to trainer:

can do, GSC. trozei, inverted, 3d, normal, mixed, styles of Trainer Cards.
stat screens are from ruby but can have any pokemon on them
3D Trainer Cards can only be 1st, 2nd and 3rd gen pokemon (so far)

DEMO TC's:show the invert colours

but don't forget to give credit to me or at least www.pokemonelite2000.com and www.neopets.com
Last edited:

*Jean Grey*

Night Triumphant
Woohoo, I'm the first

Name: Nicole
Trainer Sprite:

Pokemon: Crescelia;488;, Ninetales;038;, Mantine;226;, Riishan;433;, Mitsuhoney;415;, Pachirisu;417;
Pkmn next to trainer: Crescelia;488;
Badges: sorry if I sound so stupid but can I have this item:
in all the badge slots?

Thanks in advance!

*Jean Grey*

Night Triumphant
wow, it's great, thanks!