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Water world 2.0 discussion thread


Enflamed to the end
Well seeing how we will need this sooner or later I mine as well make it now so umm all particapants post about the rpg here.

Tauros Rider2

Well I think the RPG is going very fast and it might end very soon if we keep finding more of the Leviathan Scrolls


Enflamed to the end
Well dont we all have to be together for that to happen, and the fact that 2 of the scrolls are in orre (i think) ones in kanto and one is off floating somewhere with someone leaving 3 still to be found.

Edit: ok so 3 are in hoenn 1 in orre and 1 in kanto still thats alot of distance, as well as the fact that team magma has one of the scrolls!!!!! o_O!
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Wrath of Fire
On our first post we all found a scroll. There are five of us. Seven scrolls. So there are only two left. Well one since maxie has one.


Enflamed to the end
Wheres the rpg owner in the first place?