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Watt's With Wattson? (316)


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Watt's With Wattson?!

Ash & Co. are finally in Mauville City and Ash intends to challenge Wattson in the gym. However Pikachu gets struck by a large Electric field and is over-electrified. Will it survive?

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Factory Head Noland

I think that Mr. Wattson should have taken back the badge when Ash wanted to give him it back because the battle was totally unfair because Pikachu was over-charged. I know that they do have a re-match later on but they should have had one the next episode.
Ok ep! And the uk got is before america, about a month or a half. Agreed Pokemonisgr8 but there rematch is cool but Torkoal lost! (Still Crying!! wa!!)


i kinda thought that Ash cheated even though he didn't know that Pikachu was stronger than usual cause it got hit by a electric field.


Team Awesome
It's interesting how a total wipeout from Pikachu could damage Wattson's confidence so much. It made for a pretty interesting episode, and at least it was different than most gym battles. It's funny too how Pikachu began and ended the season hooked up to the same electricity machine. I do like the second Wattson episode better, mostly because I liked Team Rocket with their carnival and May's battle with Watt, but this episode had some great dramatics I liked too.


little punks!
That gym battle rocked because it was hilarious. I'm glad he finally refaced Wattson in a later episode, but I wish he had won that battle so he earned his badge fairly oh well. (And people say Ash's kanto gym badges were pity badges)


Well-Known Member
Meh. One of the gym battles i didnt like. It felt like the writters couldnt be bothered to think up a good battle


Abort, Retry, Fail?
Wattson should've taken the badge back. I think it would've taken ages before Ash is able beat Wattson fairly. I expected a fair battle.
Should have been a better battle, Wattson was overkilled a little too quickly


The Gazing Eye
lol a clean sweep, the last time I saw Ash did one was in that the Kanto Pokemon League with Kingler..

Too bad for Wattson, being depressed after being haxxed..


Well-Known Member
Finally saw this!

The clean sweep was so boring and rather dumb. That was way to much overkill. I wish Ash had at least started with Treecko, had it defeated and then used Pikachu, at least it would have been longer.


Well-Known Member
It's an okay episode it could have been better. it was interesting watching Ash sweep a gym leader with Uberchu, and it was nice to see a gym leaders confidence shaken by being swept, but they should have split this episode into with Ash having a proper rematch at the Mauville Gym and winning his badge fairly instead of Wattson giving it to him reminds me of early Kanto with Brock & Misty's sisters giving Ash a for either saving a gym or being kind to Pokemon. Nice seeing Electrike one of my favorite Hoen Pokemon ti was very well animated and it's voice was pretty cool to.


seeing that overcharded pikachu screenshot in the first post kinds reminds me of electroshock therapy instead of the episode itself:p

anyway, it was a nice episode with a shocking battle so to say, i'll give it a 9/10.


kiss my greens
This episode will go down in infamy: the day Ash swept a Gym Battle.

Seriously, that was awesome. I wish that would happen more XD Sometimes they just drag out those Gym matches, y'know?

Awesome! Yeah.


Well-Known Member
This match wss cheap because Ash won with an overpowered Pokemon good thing they had a rematch!
This is my favorite season 6 episode so far.
The pikachu sweep was so refreshing. I though it was another pedestrian gym battle, and guess what happened!
It is ok to see such a deviating plot in a while, well, to be exact, this will be the first and the last time.
I was so excited to see pikachu's sweeping the entire team. I thought it was how it suppose to be when pikachu has been fighting and training for such a long time.
Anyway, it was full with great freshness