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WCW/nWo Revenge Glitches Via Gameshark (N64)

I was messing around with this Gameshark code for WCW/nWo Revenge that allows you to do...uh....here's an example. You can take Sting and move him to group that Raven is in. I used it to place Dusty Rhodes (a normally unplayable manager) to AKI Man's spot and some rather neat glitches occured where I reached a "Cruiserweight 1" league filled with managers; Eric Bischoff, Onoo, Dusty Rhodes, Vincent, James Bandenburg, Jimmy Hart.

Also when you change the costume of a manager you can select the manager costumes as well as the wrestler costumes.

NOTE: I did this on a Project 64 emulator with a ROM, because my Gameshark for N64 is very messed up due to me messing up a code for Ocarina of Time, which corrupted my gameshark.

NOTE 2:Yes that is Dusty Rhodes wearing a bikini in 2 of the pictures. And yes I originally had switched the name from "AKI Man" to "Some Black Guy" Hehe.......yeah.

Click each link to see the image.
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